If the source is not available or unable to communicate, ask a trusted family member, advocate, medical professional or relevant organization that represents people with disabilities. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as catatonic only if it is part of a medical diagnosis. Background: Service animals are trained animals, usually dogs, that provide services to people with disabilities. Background: The Merck Manual ddefines vegetative state as the absence of responsiveness or consciousness in which patients show no awareness of their environment. If a preference is unknown, specify the condition rather than referring to it as a hidden disability, which is vague and open to interpretation. Rapid speech that is difficult to understand. National Center on Disability and Journalism, American Psychiatric Association discourages, National Organization on Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH), National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, . Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Difficulty with speech, including slurred NCDJ Recommendation: Blind may be used for people who have complete or almost complete loss of sight. Originally called falling sickness in English, the word has roots in Greek and Latin. It does not address the use of autistic as an adjective. People with disabilities spoke out on social media about this, and long haulers now understand firsthand what some people with disabilities experience. Neurodiversity basically means that brains operate differently and thats not a bad thing. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms service animal, assistance animal and guide dog all are acceptable. Others prefer it to disabled because dis means not, which means that disabled means not able. But particularly when it comes to referring to individuals, differently abled is problematic. Avoid using psychotic as an adjective to describe a person; instead refer to a person as having a psychotic condition or experiencing a psychosis. Avoid using the terms colloquially. The center recommends against using the term harelip as it is anatomically incorrect and stigmatizing. As youll see below, high functioning and low functioning are considered offensive. NCDJ Recommendation: When writing about Tiffany Yus group, use Diversability as a proper name. You can also download the NCDJ Style Guide as a PDF. NCDJ Recommendation: Neurodiversity can be used as a way of describing someone on the autism spectrum, but because its a relatively new term, consider offering the definition when you use it, particularly in work meant for a mainstream audience. Many people in the Deaf community prefer the use of a lowercase d to refer to audiological status and the use of a capital D when referring to the culture and community of Deaf people. Hearing loss can be due to a wide array of things, including: malformation of the ear. Less than one percent of the general population has schizophrenia, and it is treated mostly through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. NCDJ Recommendation: All the terms are acceptable, although, because they are not widely used, an explanation is required for a general audience. Special thanks to Rebecca Monteleone, University of Toledo; Jon Henner, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Sherri Collins, Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; journalist Sara Luterman; Cronkite student Haley Tenore; the NCDJ advisory board and graduate assistants; and all the style guide readers who offered suggestions for this guide. In addition, there is a difference between impairment and disability, according to the Institute of Human Services. Similarly, ask whether the person prefers identity-first or people-first language. If you have two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, you have epilepsy. See also Epilepsy/epileptic/epileptic fit. Conforms to AP style, The AP also suggests avoiding words like abuse or problem in favor of the word use with an appropriate modifier such as risky, unhealthy, excessive or heavy. Misuse also is acceptable. But what is relevant is not always clear. However, there is a school of thought that these terms describe disabilities as a deficiency and imply that people with disabilities are damaged. Symptoms may include reliving the traumatic event, avoidance of certain behaviors, negative emotions, or physical symptoms such as dizziness or nausea. AP style: Avoid using committed suicide except in direct quotations from authorities. The stylebook also warns against drawing a connection between mental illness and violent crime and recommends that any source used to characterize a criminal suspects mental health history should have the authority to speak on the matter. AP style: The style book suggests using the term survivor with care because it can be imprecise, among other reasons. People-first language is not preferred by all people with disabilities. why is hearing impaired a slur. However, some argue that the term often is used inaccurately (people who are color blind usually see some colors) and can be considered ableist. Nasal, raspy or strained voice. AP style: The style book urges avoidance of the term special education and suggests trying to be specific about the needs or services in question. Background: Hospitals that cared for people with various mental illnesses, often for long periods of time, were once commonly referred to as insane asylums. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Tourette syndrome with no possessive or capitalization of syndrome. Refer to someone as having Tourette syndrome only if the information is relevant to the story and if youre confident there has been a medical diagnosis. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. But why does their speech get sloppier? Background: People-first language avoids defining people in terms of their disability. Personally, I'm not offended by this term at all. Then numbers were assigned to words not just mentally retarded, but also terms like imbecile, idiot and moron.. Background: These terms carry the assumption that a person with a disability is suffering or has a reduced quality of life. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask people how they would like to be described. Alternatively, it is acceptable to say that a person has had a disability since birth or was born with a disability. State the specific disability if possible. Signs and symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the underlying cause and the type of dysarthria. Plain English looks and sounds like standard forms of writing. Another version, Easy English, aims at a lower reading level with short sentences often accompanied by pictures. It was first reported in 1866 by Dr. John Langdon Down and is characterized by a range of physical and cognitive characteristics, which the National Institutes of Health details. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using hearing impaired or hearing impairment. For those with total hearing loss or who identity as a member of the Deaf community, deaf is acceptable. Migraine. National Institute of Neurological Disorders. This takes years of intensive practice and professional training., The Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf has a searchable database of registered interpreters, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, The Autism Self Advocacy Network details this debate, I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic,, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Syracuse Universitys Disability Cultural Center, Little People of America has a statement on the M word., International Society for Augmentive and Alternative Communication, some people still strongly support the method, This particular use of the word dates to the middle of the 19th century. She experiences symptoms of psychosis is preferable to She is psychotic. He has a bipolar disorder is preferable to He is bipolar.. For example, they might say that an individual with Down syndrome lives with minimal or no extra l assistance. In the past, we have encouraged journalists and others to use person-first language (such as, a person who has Down syndrome rather than a Down syndrome person) as a default. Additionally, a person who does not use speech may be able to hear. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term mental illness instead of insane or mentally deranged, except in a quote or when referring to a criminal defense. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes).. In this guide, we urge reporters and other communications professionals to refer to a disability only when its relevant to the story being told. Medically assisted suicide is permitted in some states and countries. Healthyplace.com has Instead, be as specific as possible. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid terms like disorder or defect, which are considered derogatory. Seizure types vary by where and how they begin in the brain. The association recommends using people-first language to describe mental illness in order to avoid defining people by their disability. Psychoanalyst: A specific type of psychotherapist trained to work with both an individuals unconscious and unconscious mind. The device does not fully restore hearing, but it gives a representation of sounds to help a person understand speech. AP style: The stylebook recommends using partial hearing loss or partially deaf for those who have some hearing loss. Even in the case of a direct quote, consider how offensive the term is and include the historical context if possible. The pandemic altered the way many people think about disability, as people who had never encountered such obstacles were suddenly unable to leave their houses. Background: Catatonia is a state in which a person does not move and does not respond to others. Thus, deafness may be viewed as a condition that prevents an individual from receiving sound in all or most of its forms. Ask people how they want to be described. Hearing is a prerequisite for the development of normal speech & language. Dont use the term SPED as shorthand for special education. NCDJ Recommendation: Terms such as battle and survivor are still widely accepted and understood, but the user should be aware that they could offend some people. Background: A person who has a congenital disability has had a disability since birth. NCDJ Recommendation: Colorblind is still generally acceptable, but in the interest of accuracy, consider indicating what kind of color-blindness a person has, such as red-green color-blindness. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Plain English or Plain Language but confirm with the source that that is the correct terminology. Use the term dwarf only when applied to a medical diagnosis or in a quote. AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism, according to the groups preamble. It can be used with babies and older children. It is interchangeably referred to as Tourette syndrome, Tourettes syndrome and Tourettes disorder. However, prominent mental health organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Tourette Syndrome Association, refer to it as Tourette syndrome.. Otherwise, paraphrase and use a more acceptable term. The average height of a dwarf is 40.. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Americans with Disabilities Act on first reference; ADA is acceptable on second reference. Some organizations suggest avoiding the terms demented, dementing, dements, senile or senility to refer to someone with dementia. Background: Diversability is a term coined by Tiffany Yu, a disability rights advocate. Background: A defect is defined as an imperfection or shortcoming. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having schizophrenia only if the information is relevant to the story and youre confident there is a medical diagnosis. In an official position statement, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association warns that any messages extracted from facilitated communication should not form the sole basis for making any diagnostic or treatment decisions. Other organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the International Society for Augmentive and Alternative Communication also oppose facilitated communication. Be sensitive when using words like disorder, impairment, abnormality and special to describe the nature of a disability. For example, addressing the functional needs of people with disabilities could be used when referring to a facility or program. Other symptoms include memory loss, emotional issues, disorientation and the development of other mental disorders. Programs in Disability Studies should encourage a curriculum that allows students, activists, teachers, artists, practitioners, and researchers to engage the subject matter from various disciplinary perspectives.. It is the preferred terminology in Great Britain and by a number of U.S. disability activists. However, its use is relatively rare and not generally accepted. Its proper name is major depressive disorder. The institute says that related diagnoses include seasonal affective disorder (characterized by the onset of depression during the winter months), psychotic depression (a combination of psychosis and depression), and postpartum depression (sometimes experienced by mothers after giving birth). WebBackground: The terms hearing impaired and hearing impairment are sometimes used to describe people with hearing loss that ranges from partial to complete. It does not involve split personalities. WebInclude plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in their diet. Bipolar disorder often develops during late adolescence or early adulthood. Additional material: I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic, Lenny Letter. It often is caused by a spinal cord or brain injury and is characterized by the loss of sensory and motor function. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA, regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified. Laws against suicide have been repealed in the U.S. and many other places. Avoid using it casually as it may be offensive and inaccurate. Refer to a disability only when its relevant to the story and, when possible, confirm the diagnosis with a reputable source, such as a medical professional or other licensed professional. (There are physical considerations that rule out cochlear implants for some.). Specifically, some members of the autism and Deaf communities prefer identity-first language. It is best to ask people which term they prefer to describe them. Ask your sources for their preference. Another note this time about the language around COVID-19. Do not use bipolar as an adjective for something other than a medical condition as for example, when referring to something that rapidly or drastically changes. Journalists also may want to include such warnings in material distributed to a general audience. Others prefer hard of hearing. It is best to ask your sources what they prefer. AP style: Included in its Disabled/Handicapped entry, the stylebook describes blind as a person with complete loss of sight and suggests using the terms visually impaired or person with low vision for those who have some sight. The word dates to Old English, where it was related to words that meant to creep or bend over. According to the blog grammarphobia.com, it became offensive in the early 20th century and was replaced by handicapped and then by disabled., Recently, some disability activists have reclaimed the word. The discussion can be found here. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not call someone disfigured as it is considered derogatory. I am Hard of Hearing (HoH), NCJD Recommendation: Use person who has a cleft palate. Avoid harelip., Background: A cochlear implant is an electronic device that can improve understanding of speech for some people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It also means characterized by deceleration or reduction in velocity, as in a 1674 reference: When it hath passed ye vertex ye motion changeth its nature, & turneth from an equably accelerated into an equably retarded motion., Actual references to retarded intelligence did not come until the turn of the 20th century, with the advent of the IQ test. Amy Silverman, NCDJ advisory board member. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid describing people as gifted or twice exceptional unless they have been identified as such by a professional. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using these terms when describing a person with a disability or the programs designed to serve them, with the exception of government references or formal names of organizations and programs. By definition, developmental disabilities manifest before age 22. Thats OK. You may end up using a derogatory term in a direct quote, but be certain that its fundamental to the story. When they are alone, when they congregate, they do not feel lacking in anything. See entry on Dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder. Many illnesses, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, are life-long conditions. NCDJ Recommendation: The NCDJ endorses The Associated Press style, below. NCDJ Recommendation: The term non-disabled and the phrases does not have a disability or is not living with a disability are more neutral choices. NCDJ Recommendation: It is acceptable to describe a person as someone who uses a wheelchair, followed by an explanation of why the equipment is required. The center also recommends using the word misuse in place of abuse when describing harmful drug usage. They also are sometimes called assistance animals, guide dogs, or Seeing Eye dogs. Use of the word dwarf is considered acceptable when referring to the genetic condition, but it is often considered offensive when used in a non-medical sense. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid language that may legitimize facilitated communication. Aging and exposure to loud noise may cause wear and tear on the hairs or nerve cells in the Triggers can be hard to predict, and they vary from individual to individual, but communicating the nature of your content builds audience trust. (The proper terminology in the United Kingdom is Downs syndrome). For example, if I say that I am hearing-impaired, people may get the impression that Im incapable of something. AP Style: The style book suggests a content warning at the top of stories when the subject matter may be considered offensive or disturbing, but the story does not contain quoted profanity, obscenities or vulgarities. A minimally conscious state is one in which a patient has some awareness of self and/or the environment. It is best to ask your sources what they prefer and take that into consideration. Background: The term special needs was popularized in the U.S. in the early 20th century during a push for special needs education to serve people with all kinds of disabilities. In Franco-Provenal (the Romance speech of French Switzerland and adjacent areas of France), a person affected by hypothyroidism was called a cretin, literally, wretch, innocent victim, The word meant simply Christian and emphasized the hypothyroid victims basic humanity.. See entries on Depression and Mental illness/mental disorder. Some people with mild to moderate hearing loss may affiliate themselves with the Deaf community and prefer to be referred to as deaf instead of hard of hearing. Alternatively, some who are profoundly deaf may prefer the term hard of hearing.. However, avoid using such words to describe a person. However, AP advises against the latter formulation. Sometimes people with paraplegia refer to themselves as a para. In those cases, use the word in quotes. Background: Disability and disabled generally describe functional limitations that affect one or more of the major life activities, including walking, lifting, learning and breathing. Earwax impaction is another culprit. If you are going to use it in a quote, consider that decision carefully, as the word is particularly charged. The fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders consolidates all autism disorders under the larger autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. It is important to understand that many people do not consider being deaf or having hearing loss as a disability. These foods have important vitamins and help keep the lining of the throat healthy. Use a person with dementia or a person with dementia rather than demented or senile. When possible, reference the specific disease, such as someone with Huntingtons disease. When referencing Huntingtons disease or Parkinsons disease, use the full term rather than shortening to Huntingtons or Parkinsons.. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having dyslexia only if the information is relevant to the story and if youre confident there is a medical diagnosis. However, it is such a general term that it fails to accurately describe a persons condition and is now widely viewed as offensive in that it implies that a person lacks abilities. Background: The majority of people with disabilities have chronic conditions that are invisible or hidden. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the words psychotic and psychosis only when they accurately describe a medical experience. Others, including the authors of Great Minds and How to Grow Them, question whether there is such a thing as a gifted child. Background: High functioning and low-functioning are terms used to describe ability levels for people with a variety of conditions, including neurodiversity, intellectual disabilities and mental illness. The terms senility and senile denote conditions brought on by aging and often are used incorrectly to denote dementia. Some people with autism prefer being referred to as autistic or an autistic person. Others object to using autistic as an adjective. Background: Dumb was once widely used to describe a person who could not speak and implied the person was incapable of expressing himself or herself; it eventually came to be synonymous with silent.. Refer specifically to the physical changes. A note about person-first language. AP style: The stylebook states that its acceptable to use the word autism as an umbrella term for a group of developmental disorders. It also says it is acceptable to use the word autism in stories. Background: Indicates a person who has some loss of both vision and hearing. Many experts classify autism as a developmental disability. Should a story about residents complaining about noisy airplanes flying over their houses note that one of the residents who is complaining uses a wheelchair? Background: A deformity is a condition in which part of the body does not have the typical or expected shape, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Some people have a physical characteristic that is not a result of an amputation. Historically it was called mongoloidism, and people with it were called Mongoloids; this is now considered offensive. WebThough hearing-impaired is still in medical parlance, many Deaf people proudly refer to themselves as such, also with a capital D. Other activists have decided there is nothing wrong with being fat, and have wholeheartedly embraced the term. Most people know that strokes can cause one side of the face to droop, weakness of an arm or a leg, trouble walking, and slurred speech. Background: According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, learning disability describes a neurologically based condition that may manifest itself as difficulty learning and using skills in reading (called dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), mathematics (dyscalculia) and other cognitive processes due to differences in how the brain processes information. When covering AA, consider referring to members by their first name only unless official references or context requires otherwise. NCDJ Recommendation: Cretin is considered a slur to describe a person with intellectual disabilities. Symptoms include restlessness, difficulty in focusing or staying organized and impulsivity. NCDJ Recommendation:Avoid using invalid to describe a person with a disability except in a direct quote. Addiction usually refers to a disease or disorder; dependence may, on the other hand, describe babies born to mothers who use drugs or cancer patients who take prescribed painkillers. This may be due to improper development, damage or disease to any part of the hearing mechanism. Many chronic health conditions also are considered invisible disabilities, depending on their severity and impact on daily living. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders debuted the new term childhood-onset fluency disorder to refer to stuttering, along with a few new criteria for its diagnosis. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Disability Studies in the same way you would reference other academic disciplines. This takes years of intensive practice and professional training.. AP style: The stylebook says birth defect is acceptable in broad references, such as lessening the chances of birth defects. They may include: Slurred speech. Tetraplegia is used interchangeably with quadriplegia.. Conforms to AP style: The stylebook cautions against describing an individual as mentally ill unless clearly pertinent to a story and the diagnosis is properly sourced. Background: These phrases refer to a condition in which the mouth, jaw, tongue and vocal tract do not work together to produce recognizable words. Such tics are recurrent, involuntary and non-rhythmic. Physical damage to the brain: Brain damage can affect both structure and function. The terms mental illness and mental disorder are not interchangeable. You also may want to provide a more detailed description of the disability. If the persons sight had nothing to do with the situation, leave it out. The term high-functioning autism is widely used but is not a medical diagnosis, and many consider it offensive. It is characterized by unusually intense shifts in emotion, energy, behavior and activity levels in what are called mood episodes. Such episodes are usually classified as manic, hypomanic, depressive or mixed episodes. The term vegetative state is preferable to vegetable or veg, but it is considered offensive by some and is frequently misused. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask the person with a disability how they prefer to be described; if thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. Background: Merriam-Webster defines the noun cripple as a lame or partly disabled person or animal and as something flawed or imperfect. It also is used as a verb. Psychiatrist: A mental health professional able to prescribe psychotropic medications. It is important to note that augmentative and alternative communication a general term used to refer to alternative methods that allow for written and spoken expression is considered very different from facilitated communication. Proponents of the term say it helps to destigmatize relationships between people with disabilities and people without disabilities. Avoid using terms such as suffers from or afflicted with in association with the condition. A birth defect is a physical or biochemical difference that is present at birth. Do not substitute slow learner or another derogatory term like retarded.. Severe implies judgement; significant might be better. However, only about 15% of those with eye conditions are totally blind. Background: Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by tics, sudden, purposeless and rapid movements or vocalizations, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. NCDJ Recommendation: While it is acceptable to use the terms developmental disability and developmental disabilities, it is preferable to use the name of the specific disability whenever possible. Neurotypical refers to a person who is considered part of the normal variation in the human population. Some members of the disability community oppose its use because it implies that all people with disabilities lack able bodies or the ability to use their bodies well. Background: Members of the disability community argue that characterizing people with a disability as sick or referring to them as patients signals there is something unwell about them or that they are in need of medical attention, when, in fact, that is often not the case. The language around COVID-19 is evolving. Why is it often considered more PC to say "Hard of Hearing" instead? Deaf and hard of hearing became the official terms recommended by the World Federation of the Deaf in 1991. In addition to their cognitive component, many types of dementia include physical symptoms, such as the abnormal eye movements of Huntingtons disease or the tremors associated with Parkinsons disease. Dont say that an awards show, for example, was schizophrenic.. The Autism Self Advocacy Network details this debate. They may prefer non-disabled or enabled as being more accurate. Background: There are a number of types of mental health professionals. Background: Abnormality is a word used to describe a condition that deviates from what is considered normal. Some mountainous regions, such as parts of the Alps, do not naturally provide their inhabitants with a diet rich enough in iodine, and the resultant hypothyroidism causes stunted growth and mental retardation. According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, post-polio syndrome is a condition that affects some persons who have had poliomyelitis (polio) long after recovery from the disease. question whether there is such a thing as a gifted child. Instead, refer to the persons specific condition or use person with a disability. The terms are still widely used and generally acceptable when citing laws, regulations, places or things, such as handicapped parking, although many prefer the term accessible parking. Avoid handicapable., Conforms to AP style with regard to handicap and handicapped. The stylebook does not address handicapable., Background: According to the University of Washington, hard of hearing refers to any hearing condition that can be helped by an auditory device. To words that meant to creep or bend over its use is relatively rare and not accepted. Who have some hearing loss she is psychotic more detailed description of the deaf,... Is caused by a professional with no possessive or capitalization of syndrome historical., depending on the underlying cause and the development of other mental disorders with no or... Kingdom is Downs syndrome ) impact on daily living not, which means disabled. Preferred terminology in the Human population I 'm not offended by this term at.. 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