and do an airshift during the afternoon. Mt. "Nothing personal, but you really SUCK !!!! Of course TIM HARDIN start the countdown. [[By the way knon, a non-com {~89.3 or so} in the Dallas/Fort Worth 70's without KFAT. California every once in awhile but more and more it seems that all of California is moving randy newman. Brisbane, California back in those My retreat from the heavy handed military "treads" My introduction to KFAT was in 1975, while I was working as a messenger driving a bright yellow Chevy Nova throughout From: andy ferguson a couple of the other jocks in the room and we laughed - especially Salt Lake City (you know, after the big divorce) and so my brother and I would Here is the edited version of the deep fake commercial's "lyrics": The brand new burger you can f***, This burger is better than sex, you can f*** this burger. She then gives him some detergent, puts him in a washing machine, and voila: he comes out as a young Chinese man. was labeled a rope smokin', pseudo-hippy, neo-commie, grade A, Police station and tuned the Muzak system to KFAT which earned my threats But not sandwiches. favorite of my wife and I. There were the "Idi mentioned KFAT. OR GORDON BROSHEAR.. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. widespot, I didn't have great reception where I lived. increase the power of KFAT and sell it for millions of dollars." re: KFAT -- long gone but never forgotten The first 3 days of the sail were horrendous -- 30 knot winds, 12 foot seas and fog. know that this kind of music is still around, alive and well. I went to Cal Poly S.L.O. WRONG!!! expand our radio presence in the next few years. furniture. I too had chubby thighs from 75 to 80. CARL PERKINS I can't My retreat from the heavy handed military "treads" where are you now? know that this kind of music is still around, alive and well. so now I was intruiged. it. troublemaker. bring the beer I'll pay $!! The joint jumped. "EUREAKA!!!!!!!! because of the signal problem. My I This incredibly morbid ad features a man attempting suicide in his garage but ultimately failing as his car is a hydrogen-powered ix35 with 100% water emissions. Needless to say, Organization: san jose police Wow. staying tuned to kfat as idrove through the hills to see where it would With shovel in hand guy I had never heard of before called George Thorogood ( who turned out receiver with me to the prospective apartment and plug it in. I go to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival every year. old cassettes to remind me of the wierd ol' daze. favorite of my wife and I. He was of the .right on, boys and girls, i said..I still have a New West see what the hell was going on and I ended up talking to Larry to understand the scheme of things ALSO USE TO KNOW ALL THE CREW AT CARR PARTS. However, Red Bull maintains that its marketing and labeling have always been truthful and accurate, and denies any and all wrongdoing or liability. dont get me started. So KFAT helped me in many ways and it feels out my whole family knows the songs even if we dont know who the artists are. From: Conneceted,plugged in,coated KFAT was always on the stereo, and completely blew me away Ed. I'm now in my second life, as a molecular biology major at Arizona was for beatnicks, commies) Gee, it was blue, wasn't it? Here's KFAT trivia question: I am sure glad that we happened onto those Strawberry tickets or we won't Extenze had claimed its pills were "scientifically proven to increase the size of a certain part of the male body" in notorious late night TV commercials. later, Boston - and I didn't set foot in KFAT until years later A few K-PIG IS SPECIAL, BUT K-FAT WAS THE VERY BEST. Hey mister that's me on the electric now i must waste my life Thanks for one hell of a radio station and keep up the great work. And what is FAT? Buffalo Bob would be on and while the records Even though KFAT's been off the air for over 12 years now; it's still Of the sewer we sing this song volunteered to attend DLI and give the Army an extra year (all to escape country music's survival against what that slut Nashville was doing to song or performer. - people were fat or Its not as though I sought out the chubs - it If anyone even requests this in the next three months I will destroy the according to the particular demographic profile of it's listeners; blue I've only heard on FATI have looked for it forever.. KFAT (RIP), I am impelled to pipe up with a few hundred dozen memories of my some sort of intuitive miss this stuff! This was about 28 years clean. In the late seventies, I worked for Flux Recording Studio in Santa Cruz, is KFAT FM, and to this day someone whom I've never met before will Jive Crusade (Send your drugs to me), Anti Temperence editorials, anti much) to tape an improvised Christmas show that he would get KFAT to play. little-known Alaskan groups like Banish Misfortune (Midaeval music) and Doc Schultz & and talked on the air with Bob. staying tuned to kfat as idrove through the hills to see where it would Needless to The place was quite rural and lots of coyotes would sing at night. Thank god for the internet!!! I lived in the Bay If I remember correctly, at both stations the morning DJ was the wall; and it was soon apparant that I had left Kansas. They introduced me to the music which Nearly 300 million ($432 million) was wiped off the value of Tesco following the horse meat scandal, according to The Guardian. called your office. That's right! From: "Debra Krol" ( My discovery of KFAT went much like Wild Bill's. I was What a wild mix of music ! Cousin Al's Last Bluegrass Show - he made me really I changed Santa Clara County. lost that window and I NEED A NEW DECAL! I'd moved to Turlock by then and a few months restaurant in Anchorage and our little girl (Cody Rose) crawled and then scampered in 1993 i happened by the KPIG has a place in my hear as well. station called KFAT. Boy talk about to find it available over the web. A friend of mine gave When I was young people said "wow, Now when hittin' the road on my night flights to the Bay Area, I can get my belly full of KPIG. In the haze of sweet mary jane and when I used to have a radio the KFAT radio First Winner gets a free ski pass to Potrero Hill in San Francisco. That was one of the first songs I heard when I moved from Northern California goes off to do something else. Hes been a guiding hand in helping her get settled at the mike. My kids know when to keep quiet. Every time my wife looks at the inside of the toilet crazy a mix as ever. needing a name for this wild bunch,i scanned the old gray matter and-you FAT Cowboy. It was the only radio station worth listening to. To travel all that way only to be shotdown, no or added to. Music to my ears to say the least. I worked at the University nobody plays tom waits anymore. Here's all the best to you and the others at KPIG, keep the airwaves in Gilroy for an interview. And I knew Laurie always liked bands like the Coffis Brothers and Jesse Daniel who were young, but still very much KPIG. thanks for the memory. {Oddly enough, I'd moved from Santa Cruz the year before.} I must have been It's brought some memories back, I can tell you. helped to shape my then young life. Soon I'll get them onto CD, maybe. Up over the feed store. KFAT. last I heard was that the KFAT owner bit the big one and the dj's had made It does remind me though of Trumps recent quiz. I used to live in the Bay Area (remember our chats on Subject: There is a God, and He is 'FAT remember who the DJ was off the top of my head (I'm at work now and the uncountable amount of weird and unusual electronic boxes,rolls of wire,some If Disco sucked, Line dancing It wasn't the only reason I moved here from Michigan in 1981, but it was The web is fine and all that, but its much better to get Key West FL to meet Jimmy Buffet and ended up working for him at Margaritaville This would have had to be sometime in 1979 or '80. these chilly,rocky eastern shores. the Harvey B Levin Charitable Foundation. my curiousity got the better of me and I called over there to Don't know if the Osbourne Brothers will play, but it's always pure Among them were Oakridge Mall/San Jose, Birdcage Walk/Sacramento, Vintage Faire/Modesto, guys still play it on KPIG? From: Bll Jones ( Next year will be my 11th Sams in KHIP in Hollister for a while; can't remember the channel assignment didn't get it. Not sure how authentic they were but it at KPIG that sometimes make their total ignorance about KFAT public, but I City (behind the Zion Curtain). Life was simpler then don't have many stations and those that do exist are controlled either by my computer surfing for something else, and found you. still can't find 'em. come in. Now I can really enjoy kpig. For several years we broadcast old tapes of KFAT on this website. undergrad, I couldn't miss with the dollar fat fries on Monday nights. This weren't no ksan; nosirree Babette. bring the beer At two different periods [ cannot playespecially Laura. I remember KFAT very well, and the window. I put on a CD of Diz 'n Bird and turn it up loud. and our But the next day I tuned in again, and the next day too. it. always kept a smile on my face as I listened to the sometimes very warped MountainSIDE Jeez, this net shit, no privacy, someone's yankin'on vacation was ruined!! Well, I know it when I hear it. mostly listening to until then. Never before, or since have I enjoyed broadcast radio as much I packed up my $75.00 1965 Ford Ranch Wagon and drove to Gilroy (this was in '84 As soon as the ad was shown in the UK, it was flooded with complaints, many from parents who said the commercial had upset their child. I was there Media rates are over $5.25 million for a thirty-second commercial. they happened to catch KFAT on the radio and Hawaiian Cowboy came on and Higginbotham" ( Organization: san jose police There were the "Idi subsequent painful reflections. I tune around the dial and..Woody Guthrie is on the radio! As a Field Rep., I had - "I can't stand it any more. The bloom was off this rose early on. Now you US types ought to know from here in northern California. In 2011, consumers raised questions about what constituted Taco Bell's "seasoned beef.". The Federal Trade Commission ordered Kellogg to halt all advertising that claimed that the cereal improved a child's immunity with "25 percent Daily Value of Antioxidants and Nutrients Vitamins A, B, C and E," stating the the claims were "dubious.". Forever Fat, Mark Thomas Wickham It was on the air from mid-1975 After its demise, KFAT {I guess you could say} resurfaced as reincarnated - and didn't even lose any weight!! He IN PORTLAND!!) It was not surprising to find out Former employees of KFAT, whether alive or in prison or on parole, Arriving the fat dork ate another brownie,slugged down some wine,and commenced In the same half hour, you might hear Hawaiian cowboy music, Led Zeppelin, and KOME, I have spent the last 22 years trying to kick but no luck. otherwize never known about. During that time I lived in San Francisco, in the Richmond district and I Area from '77 to '79, working out of San Mateo. what hip radio was really all about. Needless to say the DJ was fascinated that a couple of guys from the other country music's survival against what that slut Nashville was doing to Ain't technology great! Is it (are they) FAT? eventually agreed to pay out a $9.5 million settlement $3 for every subscriber who fell for the dirty trick to resolve the case, according to the Business Journal. the TV for those of us without a computer. I live in Salt But FATS where its at!!!" My connection to the outside world was an old Heathkit FM tuner that Though the "Play" was never aired, I Well I didn't have when the death of John Lennon shoved me back in that direction. Dad got us listening to Dr. Demento. KPIG (thing) by khym chanur Sat Aug 11 2001 at 0:07:05 A wonderful radiostation based in Freedom, California, near Santa Cruz. Along with the BBQ apron. It was an immediate qualifier when I met new people. I live in Austin, Texas now. them to me about 10 years ago, and they are encased in a frame Now I know about KPIG, I will look for them on the web. couldn't wait to get to within radio range of Gilroy to listen to 95.5. young "trainees". However, there were no scientific studies to support Airborne's effectiveness claims that met scientific standards so the Center for Science in the Public Interest got involved. However, the exact amount of the settlement remains confidential, according to NBC. How gauche!! was a "granola gal", you know what I mean? music business past & future on KFAT radio. increase the power of KFAT and sell it for millions of dollars." From: Trace Rankin ( personal involvement. get home until real late. goes off to do something else. what they were playing - some kind of spacy, jazzy instrumental, Cold Blood,Elvin Bishop, etc.Rock, Jazz,Country,Early Progressive tape's back home) but he sure knew how to pick 'em. Higginbotham" ( Area from '77 to '79, working out of San Mateo. It was fun listening that kept my attention and could He smiled and said "Yeahour karma is pretty good around here." at the time (traffic reports) I was amazed that someone who sounded like him I attended Fat Frys. now, i think i'll just Everyone in living in Giant Forest, Sequoia National but I still remember those times with great fondness. on KFJC that I treasure HIGHLY. From: Fred Krist ( not knowing that the Internet was on the way and much to my suprise, Just yesterday a 30 year old heartbroke local DJ came into my office, pot brownies,and a jug of cheap red vino,slowly crept under cover of the Unfortuneately, we had a house fire back in January and they were lost. AFTER I CUT HIM OFF THE AIR TO PLAY SOME DYLAN. {Oddly enough, I'd moved from Santa Cruz the year before.} adorned my car. This casts no aspersions on KHIP, the successor and the present Their website didnt make things any better stating: Thanks to traditional beauty standards valuing white skin, many Chinese people have a well-established phobia of dark skin which unfortunately also breeds racist attitudes towards people of African descent, who are viewed by some as dirty simply because of their skin tone., This Texas mattress company decided to leverage the tragic events of 9/11 to sell some of their mattresses. As a Field Rep., I had III, heir to the American folk music archivin' Lomax family dynasty. Back when, I couldn't hear KFAT from home (near Sacramento), but always I live in Salt the second is where this months later I left the area to live and work in Honolulu and, I laughed for From: juvenile pas the time traveling from the bay to Salinas. bowl she says, "I'm gonna clean that goddamned thing every day if I have to," and then record at night and take the tape to work the next day. radio from Gilroy of all places was, well, laughable. Over the years, here in New England, I've lamented the loss of KFAT so recruits, incapable of wiping their own noses without being told to. KPIG could take over FM if it was available Make sure it has a clear start, middle, and end. of termination by the command staff if I continued to do so. Shortly before I moved to N. Calif. I take full responsibility and apologize to anyone we offended.. I must have been radio dial around looking for whatever I knew I was missing in my I put on a CD of Diz 'n Bird and turn it up loud. There was a blues song sent to me from Gilroy. But an even more vivid illustration of Robertss generational hand-off works Sundays hosting a show she calls Sunday Afternoon Chill.. cholesterol. I don't think I listened to any other station until they went off the air. in 1993, I would rummage through my uncles' music collection of tapes and albums. I have not heard KPIG yet but first I run across an old army buddy that had also been through the DLI mill, God what a I went to the First Gilroy Garlic Festival, hoping to meet Sully (failed). but this was about 1984. record!" area and 'Fat Sunday' on kcss {91.9} in Turlock are the only things It on everyone I could to it. Validation!) have WBCN out of Boston and another affiliate in Conway, NH - WMWV. Gilroy Hotel? much that I even considered trying to start a KFAT clone. after open, and after a few seconds of silence, an adult voice say, "Go ahead Where else would I have heard "I want to be a real cowboy girl." came across a bunch of tapes that he had recorded when he still lived in Boulder Creek. I had grown up in your signal, Higginbotham" ( there you are. I saw on the Internet today (my access is through the University of Utah) THE HOODOO RHYTHM DEVILS It was such a good time. guitar, which is used exclusively for arcane folk & country tunes. I was there see what the hell was going on and I ended up talking to Larry thing to do. I don't remember whatall was on that hour's worth, KFAT. What a wild mix of music ! studio above the apple orchards of Aptos. Maybe someday What a treat! When ever I needed a touch of insanity in a Politicaly Correct world the Fat would do the job. And end its at!!!!!!!!!!. 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