which requires a change of lifestyle to seal and validate one's salvation. Being good is, well, a good thing. Confessing to a Priest has Biblical basis; confessing to God personally does not. Ive seen several Akin supporters in these comments admit wrongdoing, lack of charity, etc., without backing down on their position. One thing is certain: Did SDG actually say its gnostic or is it only what you say he said? Or still more, Calvins Geneva? Mysticism demands the response that can not be countered. 28:18-20); by Baptism one is made a member of the Church: Quite telling actually. Acts 4:10-12 Jimmy allows random people to post in his comboxes without requiring any sort of registration. Its funny that you should say that Im the one with the Conspiracy Theories when it was you who stated: CareBear: I dont disagree at all. When you are as close to the Catholic argument as they have to be, you realize one thing. He is Professor of Church History and Apologetics at Grace Bible Theological Seminary, and has taught Greek, Hebrew, Systematic Theology, Textual Criticism, Church History and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous other schools. Francis 03 wondered if anyone would stick up for White. Who or why is an open question but to claim as some here have that it is a conspiracy to make you all look bad. Only He knows all of the facts. Gwen, please explain why Jesus would feel a need to give this power to those who followed him in life, if that power was not needed later on? CareBear: I havent read the book by Dr. White. Maybe you were under the impression that you were going to be in a safe place to just share your journey and not be challenged? Thus, in their mind presenting Jesus with the tax question seemed to be insuperable logic, based on their unexamined sacralist assumption. I had to get over this idea that a material Church existing in time and place was somehow able to communicate spiritual blessings. We can natter on about category errors and suchlike, all the while stating what a fitting comparison the individual in question made. Which ones? Mary, When I want your opinion, Ill go to Whites blog. Esau/Churchcat, But if the slurs came so thick and fast that the atmosphere was just unbearable, then again Id have to end the encounter. I would tend to agree, excepting the comparison being made here is not Catholics being murderous, but that those who call for James Whites charity do not bear it themselves. It would seem to me that thats not the role of a bishop. Well, I am a reasonably intelligent person and more than that, I do happen to be am an expert on humor theory, the logic of humor, and the theology of humor (an infant and by no means settled field in humor research). God inspires, and the canon expresses the limitation of that action. Donald Casadonte A quote for the ages. As francis03 pointed out, Whites arguments have been raised (and better presented) by dozens of other Protestants with better qualifications, so why bother with White, unless it is for the sake of a personal issue that White himself claims we should disregard? a. Combining your alpha omega tattoo with a quote or phrase can make the design more meaningful. The offer to forgive must be there, as it is with God. 1)The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule given by God to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. Crowds of faithful followers of Rome had gathered in the parking lot in support of the Charitable Dr. Beckwith, calling for my immediate repentance and adoption of charity Like I said earlier, jamesrwhite.org was registered 6 days ago.when was the start of this bruhaha? It was a specific instance of a humor piece by Dr. White that was at issue, here. And I think steves post was in reply to a request that whites faithful at least not attempt to justify his wrong action(Stubblespark). Ask yourself a question: have you seriously engaged the study of Scripture, so that you have basic, foundational hermeneutical principles clearly in your thinking? Admin Postal Code:92517 This applies to both sides in every situation. It is DECEPTION! As I already stated, I assumed the url was their doing, because any able-minded, reasonable person would firgure that a url naturally belongs to the site it displays. White ridiculed Beckwith, Jimmy pointed out problems with Whites arguments (not in a very charitable manner, honestly), White compared Jimmy and the people here to Islamic extremists. I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. Posts are filled with illustrations of the situation that make White out ot be the devil and yet Akin seems to have clean hands. Amazing-ly repugnant and dispicable, that is! Stubble the last White post. The fruit of Christs life in our lives is not an option. When one happens upon a URL that leads direcrtly to Catholic Answers, what is one to assume? In the Catholic Church is fulfilled the prophecy of Malachy: From the rising of the sun to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there is offered to my name a clean oblation; for my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of Hosts (Mal. OLE JIMBO WHITE APOLOGIZE?? And I take it James White wasnt doing any name-calling by the pictures he posted? Okay, lets first examine the url post: And who, pray tell, provides the checks-and-balances for those of you outside the walls? 1 Corinthians 10:17&18 lied. P.O. MY HEAD HURTS. It takes more than a few monkies to to consitute a cirus! Whose uncritical acceptance are you referring to? When did you turn Sola Scriptura? Ugliness that comes from misuse of religion is particularly tricky. Please Father, give Theo Your strength to do what he himself cannot do. It reminds me of six-year-olds fighting in a sandbox about which hit the other harder. OLE JIMBO WHITE APOLOGIZE?? It is hard to take back a joke but real easy to pull pictures off a website. White has a few errors in his logic, some important, some insignificant. Well if wikipedia says itit must be true. Name Server:NS.DEWDESIGNS.COM You havent read enough historyand by that I mean history uninfluenced by denominational precommitments (Foxes? Sorry for all the posts; I re-posted when my first one didnt show up. I have noticed that White has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation. Feeling the way that I do about the threat of Islamofacism that faces us today, the pictures on the White site made me cringe a bit because I knew they would not be received well on the other side. Ill read it after the kids are in bed and dishes are done. 3.therefore the Bible is God? It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. I believe that they would have believed in Sola Scriptura. It does cause a tinge of shame at using the word Christian, especially when talking with people who dont want to be Christian because of petty infighting between denominations. We deserve it! This is part of what motivates conservative protestants to put such a harsh light on the historic abuses of Rome, because the mindset that occasioned those abuses is still there in latent form. Blessed Redeemer Fallacious though that may sound. Care to back up the claim that the early Fathers actually support modern Roman doctrine? But I would ask you to consider, carefully, what you say. As Foxfier reported earlier, interestingly enough, http://www.jamesrwhite.org now points to Whites site, this definitely shows evidence of very suspicious activity especially considering that just a few days earlier, accusations were flung on this blog by White disciples, maligning Catholic Answers, claiming they were the ones who DECEPTIVELY owned this url since just before the accusations, this url pointed to Catholic Answers! Which (if either) is the correct list, and how does one make that determination? So, in the interest of being extremely clear and explicit: I assume that the Westminster Catechism and its related system of beliefs is true, therefore in my argument revelation is not defined by me, but by the Protestant Churches who uphold said Catechism. I noted today another fascinating post from Art Sippo, the Catholic lay apologist (and writer of odd pulp fiction stories). Nowhere in Akins post do I find him explaining how he asked White what his intentions were, following it with Whites answer quoted and cited, and so forth, which is what a charitable person would have done. When did CareBear claim he was saved by effeminate characters? Of course, such isnt true of God, so this really isnt that important an issue. So, if you are in search of a compact alpha omega tattoo then why not try out this design? Sometimes human beings respond to what is disgusting with outrage. Humility, gentleness, courtesy, charity, respect, equanimity, charity rejecting anything that smacks of superiority, ego, disdain, triumphalism, abusiveness, dismissiveness ah, theres an argument thats very, very hard to refute. I do, and I also believe that sacred tradition predates the WRITTEN Bible. At some point the one who turns the other cheek wins. Those pictured are, in fact, terrorists and not just rallying Muslims. Absolutely. That is a matter of historical fact. Esau, the claim was Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. Such a claim is based on a negative view of SOME of his supporters on this forum and ignores the existence of supporters, perhaps to include those who haved posted on JA, who have been and/or are otherwise willing to participate in serious discussion were it not for the hostilities and dismissiveness present on the JA forum. He has contributed to more than twenty books. That is precisely the genius of the faith instituted by Jesus, that it would not rely on such chicanery, but would instead be truly a work of the Spirit, such that no one man or group could subvert it to human ends, thus leaving no one but God Himself to receive the glory when the full story is finally told. Living word. If he says pay the taxes, he has denied God, if he says dont pay the taxes, Caesar will see him as a traitor to Rome. Nothing good happening here, on either side. And then you go off on how he hasnt proven James Whites innocence. During weeks and months when yet another suicidal kid had to be wedged in when there wasnt time to begin with, times when the important gets dropped because if the new situation isnt attended to, someone might come to serious harm or possibly die. The pictures might not be funny, but Esaus gratuitous usage of the caps lock button sure is. Its true that our sins make for suffering, but there is also pain and suffering that is undeserved. I dont know nor do I need to know to what extent that influences your intellectual arguments. I killed her husband and threw his body off the train in Shanghai! (With apologies to Bloom County) apologize to ????him. However, with my professional background and experience he shows classic signs of one who cannot tolerate anyone who does not fully agree with him. Thats why I started quoting blog entries from certain people is their entirety in my responses (for which, ironically, I was then chastised for going on at such length). Akin has not scheduled a debate, at least publicly. Maccabees (II) Esau, Ergo, one is holding a sign that demands charity or face beheading. In this tattoo, the freemasonry sign is the centrepiece with the alpha and omega signs on either side of it. Of course not. Ill stick with Satan is laughing is tail off watching Christians fight each other over a domain name.. Thank you for the defense, Esau I spent the weekend with my folks, and didnt even see Aristotillean comment. The Gospel according to Matthias Otherwise, we should have known nothing at all about it So I will stand up and say when people have boldly crossed the line.). Dear No Name: There are some points of resemblance between Christendom and its imitation in Islam; for that matter there are some points of resemblance between Jews and Gypsies. Jimmy, please close the comments! So whos got the guts to step up and make the call next Tuesday? OK, Sandy, choose a side. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. The Doctor nonsense is ironic beyond words. Of course, you may want to read whats already been written on topic from the Catholic perspective and then say what the sticking point is for you. Oh, since people have started posting random biblical quotes, I thought I would join in. Another example of uncharitable construction of anothers thoughts. But those only work because they are part of the shared substrate of human moral reasoning. It is appropriate for fomenting the emotions, certainly, but the issues at hand call for something a great deal more rational. No, because I dont consider posting pictures in the name of humor a way to win a debate. I fail to see how the Bible being 100% Gods word neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God employed human authors to convey His Word. Ditto his successors, the Caliphsor at least the first four, the so-called rightly-guided Caliphs. How did this academic experience at CES shape his intellectual formation, lead him to new areas of research, or help him build relationships with other scholars in the field, which is what happens in real doctoral education? because the Bible told me to. I dont often myself because it usually gives off more heat than light in this format. How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? Dont you even know that there were huge disagreements in the Early Church about what the Canon of Scripture was ultimately comprised of??? He played Michelangelo and Donatello for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise as well as Johnny Cage in Mortal Combat the world-tour. Then we moved First half hour is on how the Regimes attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can choose their gender. As for the basics of human psychology, I agree that White is more interested in asserting truth than he is in whether it may offend someone who needs to hear it. and 3] learn church history, archaelogy and let that information soften your collective memory [which is another word for embedded prejudice. Thank you and God bless! Office Hours Only later did Dr Beckwith tell us that thats just his funny way of talking. And dearest Father, sweet Abba, I pray that if this pain is to Theo, as the thorn in the flesh was to Paul, that You in Your mercy would allow Theo to recognise that. This is why we should call the canon an artifact of revelation: It is not itself and object of revelation, but comes into existence as a by-product of the action itself. The no name is me. I hate to even mention this but It does remind me of the mindset of many (thankfully not all) Muslims who, no matter what atrocity they are confronted with always see the Jews behind it to make them look bad. Why would I have to? Why? I despise James White and think he writes at the level of a college Sophomore (maybe a little better), but the pictures didnt offend me. Augustine? Hort were unsaved heretics, Here is an excellent 17:21 minute video Eileen and Simple Sinner, yes and Im glad you spelled it out. Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for Catholics. Universi X sunt Y. And as I noted elsewhere, I used to love reading his materials. The pictures pertain to those calling for charity, yet give none of it to begin with. CareBear, James R. White is on Facebook. The ongoing attempt by his followers to defend it is outrageous and disgusting. White behaves like a jerk. Foxfire, Bill, I guess figure of speech is lost on you? It was inappropriate. I dont even agree with him fully, and *I* respect that class. Were all tired of it. While going over Calvins rebuttal of Sadoletos letter from 1539, I read a paragraph where Calvin held Sadoletos argument to a biblical standard. Id have to give the victory to Dr. White. In Christ. Hence human testimony concerning inspiration is based, at best, on the testimony of one person who is, naturally speaking, an interested party in the matter concerning which he testifies It is true that miracles and prophecy may, at times, confirm such human testimony as to the inspiration of a work. The poster in question had to go down the entire page in order to post a reply; he mischaracterized a large number of posts in order to make his point, which is that he believes the indignation is too thick, and disagrees with the entire point of the post. It is a big White supporters have come to this board for serious discussion only to be dismissed with hostility or claims that its off topic.. Jesus wants me to be rich. Would there be reason for outrage if, instead of Catholicky things photoshopped onto the pictures, a pro-abort pasted pro-life sayings? http://aomin.org/index.php?itemid=2185&catid=7 Accuse other side of being murderous mob rather than actually making an argument, OK. All other points aside whether the admonishing was truly needed or not is irrelevant. I wasnt aware Wikipedia was an authoritative source in any arena, including theological debate. Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for the Reformed Caucus. UPDATE: The above pictures are so vile, particularly in light of 9/11 and the ensuing history and those who have been threatened or killed by radical Muslims, that this should be a matter upon which individuals of all confessional affiliations should be able to agree, including Evangelicals. It makes sense, because it's the Thats what I couldnt quite understand We do, we really, really do. How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? Akin was simply wrong in his claim, that these images were depicting those [urging White] to be more charitable . ChurchCat, Greg, The onus is on YOU to prove it. And well you might. I ask this only because I believe you are a Christian, a loved and precious child of Christ, washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb. Ive been trying to explain to you the Catholic position (to the best of my ability, such as it is) on various issues. Mind backing that up? That the pictures are offensive is completely immaterial to those few who come to his defense. You have to expect to encounter such things with fallen human nature what it is. White posting those pictures is clearly negative attention seeking, this one similar to a temper tantrum. Second, is it every Scripture is God-breathed or every God-breathed Scripture is Had to start of with a few minutes on the posthumously published book from Joseph Ratzinger. But still to me this is a big jokeI jsut cant take this serious when you have grown men fighting in such a way under the banner of religion. Home If you understand that salvation Charity does include admonishing the sinner which Jimmy does by shaming Mr. Whites actions. But Romes dominionism is jihadism. : Even though this design has a lot of elements and colours, it still appears pretty neat and clean. James White, February 13, 2023, Musings, Personal, Provisionism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, , Thomism Got started a little late so we didn't go a full hour but covered some "Tweet theology," including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. Of talking has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation, Esau I spent the with! 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