Thanks for the help :). The best way to beat this navy is to snipe their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum. You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. Personally, to me all of this necessary micro is the worse aspect of the game and what drives me away from it the most. I'm the 3rd great power in the world and they're the 1st. If you have built up your nation in the 1650-1821, you should be able to handle them as Spain. That's why my new. Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy - Late Game We're in the home stretch! When you attack a mountain, or a fort, or -worse- a mountain fort, you have a good chance to be defeated. It shouldn't be hard man .. If you also have to fight your next target only take cash for shorter truce. Watch if you can either go around it by declaring war on an ally, vassalizing the state instead, or ask it kindly to break its alliance using the Great Power status. great project. Who do the Ottomans have as rivals? Thats right Europe seemed to have forgotten what weve been doing to the other states, so its time for a friendly reminder. Aside from this generic advice, be sure to check whether you can accidentally vassalize your allies. The Caucasus mountains provide a valuable defense. If you have questions do please leave them below and I will answer any and all that I'm able to! THIS CAMPAIGN IS BEST VIEWED THROUGH THE PLAYLIST! Aside from sealing off the Black Sea and connecting your territories, theres mostly no need for you to conquer anything north of the Caucasus mountains. Early to Mid-game, wait for them to go to ear with Mamluks - this typically exhausts their manpower and gives some time to move in and siege up territory before they can move their armies back from Egypt. You can now also complete the missionConquer the Levantto grant you a bunch more permanent claims all around. Next, focus on supporting rebels and destabilizing them. Which, if any, DLC do you have? They don't get an infantry upgrade at 15 like western nations do. They're frankly not nearly as difficult to beat as commentary on this sub would have you believe. So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. . Note :In The runs with Prussia and Great Britain I beat the Ottomans in the last 10-20 years of the campaign, And another thing that I forgot to mention. Slowly head towards Samarkand by expanding Ajam. Now what you wanna do in your position is to only defend in rough terrain, such as hills, highlands, and mountains(Southern Hungary and Greece are good for this, along with the Caucuses), and to increase your army quality with idea groups, advisors, and religion (Protestant for 2.5% discipline and 5% morale if you have the common sense dlc, and Orthodox for 5% discipline and 33% manpower if you have Third Rome dlc. The Mamluks sit on the main trade nodes directing trade from India and China to Europe. In case this is where you enter the series, first of all welcome! When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. , that you get when youve conquered the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Continue building up your army as the force limit grows, but beware of your dependence on janissaries. Always check whether someone is willingly letting itself be annexed by you. Yeah, they like doing that. This selection contains highly anticipated releases, sequels, ports and some f We're in the home stretch! Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. Make sure to take the cities of. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the. FML. Thanks anyway :). With both of them weakening, I swooped in and strengthened my position in the Balkan. Wait for them to declare on someone on the south side of the Bosporus and then get your fleet into the channel, declare war, occupy everything in the Balkans and win! Hit them early and try to divide their territory works great. The Ottoman troops are better than European troops for a large part of the game because of their bonuses, and the fact that they have increased pips. Conquer the World as the Ottomans etc. to give yourself an edge. I'd take Constantinople and Edirne so you have a land block of the Bosporus and the Ottos can't move their troops through. Here are some of the issues I encountered, as well as how you can act on them, should the situation arise. If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. If Byzantium was at war with the Ottomans, you now become the war leader and can call in all of your strong allies (e.g. Time to make some new friends, I guess. That and Quality should give you some pretty good troops. You can now complete the missionsControl the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but dont complete them just yet. Everybody will then gang up on them afterwards, leading to a downward spiral. It's best to strike if they are already in a war. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. Spain will be the toughest nut youll have to crack in this entire campaign and kind of the final boss of this EU4 Ottomans guide. Not saying quantity is worse, cause quantity is AMAZING for what it does, which is usually worth it for countries with either eh or downright shitty land and therefore economies, but outclassing the Ottomans is the key to victory in this case. What military ideas do they have? Aside from forcing the Russians to take a long way around, your imperial heart will be safe, which works miracles for your prosperity. Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. Getting the war goal and war score to go up, gives the chance for a good peace deal which makes them weaker and every following war with them easier. You can attack the Spanish head-on, but this might bring in some difficult allies. The entire army of Tunis or 10k expensive boys? What can you guys suggest? All of this conquest you can do diplomatically, but dont be afraid to declare war if you want things to be a little quicker. Who are your allies? I'm just trying out Muscovy once more after not having played for while and lo and behold the Ottoblobs get Crimea for free. Don't let them. Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. Eventually, they won't be able to sustain these wars as efficiently from the constant lack of manpower and they'll be taking loans for merc armies. Although they may be weak, theyre sitting on at least one province we need to restore the Caliphate Cordoba- and they may have taken Sicily, where we need two provinces: Palermo and Messina. I had about 100k troops and France, Austria, Venice, and Brandenburg on my side and we all got crushed, leading me to believe the Ottomans are just naturally supposed to dominate. Over the years, hes developed a similar passion for writing, which he mostly gains during his studies. If you share borders, build some forts and have some battles with -1/-2 modifiers. By outsmarting Hungary, the Mamluks, and Venice, we became the undisputed ruler of the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Levant. The more of it is under your control, the less will be under the control of the Spanish. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! In around 225 hours of EU4 I have not once beaten the Ottomans, mind you. If you can't do that, at least guaranteeing them (if you're strong enough, of course) will keep the Ottos out for some years, wait for them to be on a long war, cancel the guarantee and attack after the truce. Optimally you want them to release bulgaria. If this doesnt bring their disloyalty above 50, do so to make the annexation process easier. If you have questions do please leave them below and I will answer any and all that I'm able to! THIS CAMPAIGN IS BEST VIEWED THROUGH THE PLAYLIST! Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, take. . Istanbul isnt the problem (obviously), and Rome should be easy takings with your dominance in the Mediterranean. Late game - wait until their troop strength falls below western strength. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. So, feel free to jump around in this guide to have it suit your campaign. It just depends on actually winning the first war. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. . As any war would just be you and them vs the Ottoman. The intent is for you to play along and improve your skills and understanding of the game, and have fun all the while! This will often make them take the long way around the Black Sea in wars, slowing them down considerably. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. . Ottomans also tend not to upgrade forts so it's relatively quick sieging. Just getting all of the arriving divisions to the front by rail is enough, not to mention everything else. When you control these cities, you gain the permanent modifier. Stack up on military ideas and policies (for example quality + religious gives extra morale and siege ability) so despite my lower army size they are vastly superior in quality. In the late game, at military tech 19 (for infantry) and tech 18 (for cavalry) The Ottoman units will have less unit pips compared to the western tech group. After you dealt with the Mamluks, youre the only Great Power left in Arabia. The best way to beat any AI is to let them bleed all their manpower in small stacks, so try to and block the Bosporus if you have naval advantage and let small stacks through (small here being less than 20k or so), then wipe them with a numerical advantage. After youve wreaked Havoc in Arabia, Africa, and Persia, its time to confront Spain. The mera can also gain land rights, but they have more important modifiers right now, such as the integration of nobility and stronger duchies. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. Its fundamental throughout this guide that you use little diplomatic entanglements to further your conquest. I've read several ways. To win the Ottomans you'll need quantity (I'm not talking about the ideas). If I recall right, Imperator Rome has a button to let the AI manage your armies: you can order to siege forts, provinces, defend territory, etc. The techs that give morale are HUGE (4, 15, 26, 30), and can give you a massive advantage in battle. This might not be as helpful as all the comments but I'll just post my observations: I've noticed ai Ottomans tends to overexert themselves near late game with nonstop wars. At this point, the war is won. How to beat Ottomans as Poland It is 1505, I annexed Danzig, Mazovia, Lithuania as a junior partner, and Austrians as my allies. The next time they declare war on them, I will also declare war. This is especially true if the PLC and Russia blobs as they end up all hating each other. Best advice for beating ottomans is simply stop being intimidated by their numbers and fight them. They hit a mid game power peak typically that's hard to beat, this is not the best time to try fighting them. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Like my Burgundian Conquest run, where I was super rich and powerful, but my nation was not much bigger than France is at the start. Screenshots would be helpful, or at the bare minimum a list of your and the Ottomans' alliances, with some rough idea of their strength and position. With my aggressive expansion pretty high in Europe, its time we shift away. I can understand the complaints about micro-managing, and it's especially true if you're colonial, but that's a consequence of choice in some sense. Boats. Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. With a strong navy you can win half the war (or more accurately, 25%, because that's what you'll get for fully blockading them). You can take small coastal ports when you peace out their allies to gain an early foothold. Sadly its very hard because not only do they have quantity, i believe its +33% land force from ideas. The only way to stop the Ottomans is to overwhelm them on multiple fronts, since their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. You can also take some holdings on the Arabian peninsula to make future conquest easier. Your vassal may have some cores left in my case, Makuria had a core on Dongola, so use that and declare war. Press J to jump to the feed. Tell them not to get called into their stupid offensive wars so that youre not caught off guard. While you prepare for a war with Tunis, consolidate your holdings. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Build strong Alliances around the Ottomans so you can call them in when they are weak. PATREON REDDIT NEW MERCH Check out the VOD channel to catch streams after the fact #EU4Ottoman #EU4Ottomans My Mod Pack rating the pack if you enjoy it so others can find it easier in the workshop!__ Join the community Discord server Keep up to date on the channel via Twitter Subscribe if you haven't already so you can keep up to date with the channel, and ding the bell to get notifications when we upload!__Check out EU4 at the Paradox website on Steam and associated commentary are intended to be transformative in nature and thus fall under the \"Fair Use\" laws of video use.This video may contain some audio from the \"Themes of the Old World\" mod on the Steam Workshop for Europa Universalis IV, with the audio created, and licensed to Chewyshoot, by Utopia.Find and support them on Spotify: What nation are you playing as? This is part 3 of the Ottomans made easy EU4 guide. Move your army in position and declare war to retake a Transylvanian core like Hunyad. Poland/Lithuania, Russia, France, Austria, can be very useful if you gang up on the The Ottomans. The next war should be much easier. Youre very powerful around this time, so allies might be willing to become vassals. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. I've already taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and expansion ideas. They are inferior later on. This is typically when other great powers take their opportunity to declare war on the ottomans so they end up fighting 3 wars at once. If you manage to get to around 60% war score, then you could demand a province with a fort that you haven't occupied. The Otto's will refuse that peace deal, but suffer a stability hit. Just tried this out but the blasted PLC AI was hell bent on losing and had to delete the save since I'd already given up half my country to separate peace Aragon. We need at least one province deep Persian territory Samarkand. and since my goals are quite small and achievable I usually. AE won't matter (No one will really care if you gut the ottos except maybe hejaz?). Take forts. I encountered some issues in my own run that couldve jeopardized the progress of this guide. Revanchism might have something to do with that For example, in my Italy game I was fighting the Ottomans and their 200k soldiers with only 80k in the 1570's(no allies cause I just didn't stop eating). What matters is a province's development for force limit, manpower, tax income, etc. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. Is there actually a way to check to see if Janissary Decadence is fired, or do I just have to declare on them and see who gets stackwiped? I'm around the same size as the Ottomans now. I usually like to set out goals. However, history wont stop us! After you declare war on Morocco, focus on landing an army on Sicily and taking down the Spanish and Moroccan holdings in Africa. 33% for ottoman ideas and 50% for quantity. Destroy navy and beat up whatever army they dredge up. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. When dealing with a large nation, core conquest is a very viable tactic. Dont even consider fighting the Ottomans if you arent allied to several strong nations like Austria, Russia or the Mamluks. It's actually significantly easier to take the Ottomans down the later you go. All my games are achievement runs. Valve Corporation. Just take the province when you fight a war with the state that happens to own it, like Sindh or Gujarat. You can assign far-flung territories to trade companies to help you bring in some extra ducats. Take Crimea. You can expand this at the cost of reforms or by giving your estates particular privileges. Even with my main allies France and Venice (60kish each) we're still not as powerful as them combined. Its a lengthy process for sure, but use the guide as a reference point to guide yourself through the ages. However, fabricate claims on Palermo and Messina to make it a lot cheaper, should you need more land. Who're they allied to? Naval superiority would be a good idea if you can get it against the Ottos, to try and prevent the bosphorus and dardanelles crossing. At the time the achievement fired it was all of France and Netherlands essentially. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. Make sure you get enough ships. Prussian troops stackwipe Ottos easy in the 1600s. how do you deal with ottomans when they take quantity ideas? with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. . This part is for those players who are trying to complete the Unify Islam mission, in which you unite all corners of the vast Islamic world under a single Caliphate once more. Prussia and Commonwealth are capable of wiping out numerically superior Ottoman armies. Another front for you to not worry about! The Ottomans have both quality and quantity, which is what makes them so scary. You basically become unstoppable if you avoid unfavourable offensive terrain battles. When youre annexing a vassal, see if you can concentrate land. Youll gain claims on this area with the missionConquer Mocha, that you get when youve conquered the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. Just take as much provinces as you can. Later on, the Ottomans don't have janissaries and your units should be just as good as theirs. Only having 49k is little. After all, it was my first time playing this game. Currently Spain. I also connected my Crimean holdings to the mainland, so I can defend it more easily. You are using an out of date browser. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). 1.18 Kilwa -> Italy 85% reduced coring cost One-tag WC, 1.19 Aztec True One-tag WC AAR (complete), 1.20 Theravada SpanishBritalianFrancoPrussian Holy Roman Emperor of China One-tag, Sail On, Ceylon - A Non-European Colonial AAR for EU4. The only exception to this rule would be Russia and ONLY Russia, but that's cause of just the massive amount of troops they can put out, especially with quantity, allowing them to easily overrun the Ottomans in a war, though at a massive cost. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. I always have this anxiety about attacking them; even though they fold like paper tigers every time. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. Then declare (3-4 months later) and invade the opposite front. Play smart, have forts in mountains/hills/swamps. I might be able to get France on my side too. With these claims, youll get a great opportunity to expand your holdings when the, fires. My best to explain the strong Alliances around the Black Sea in wars, slowing them down considerably else! Their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum can assign territories. Sub would have you believe point to guide yourself through the ages longer get the -10 % expansion. Up your naval forces if you have questions do please leave them below I! About attacking them ; even though they fold like paper tigers every.... Usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance Crimea for free holdings in Africa f we in. Get Crimea for free and snake your way to beat as commentary this! 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