We live, we die, we live again. The Bible discusses faithfulness as being much more than worshipping God. WebFeaturing a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Text: 8 "To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: "The First and the Last, the One who was dead and came to life, says: 9 I know your tribulation and poverty, yet you are rich. And when the young man asked, Master, all of these commandments have I kept from my youth, but my heart is still hungry and empty, what lack I yet that I might obtain eternal life? Psalms 20:5-6 They think theres a way to avoid death and they dont have to think because everyone just goes to heaven and consequently most people spend more time trying to avoid death than they do spending time preparing and making sure theyre on the path to heaven. Revelation chapter 2, verses 8 through 11. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. The governor said, Swear the genius of Caesar. That number of about 0.8% of Christians throughout history, in fact, has been constant over many centuries. Doubt will say, How? As we begin the New Year, I felt compelled to preach a series that deals with the foundational element of our faith the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Web10/ 9/ 94 FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH REVELATION 2: 10 (PAGE 1785 COME ALIVE BIBLE) JESUS CHRIST is appropriately spoken of as "the faithful witness" (Rev. What was important to them in the beginning was no longer important. Paul said, None of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself so that I may finish my race with joy (Acts 20:24). But if I abdicate the throne, and no longer is itself, but if I enthrone my Lord, life becomes infinitely blessed, infinitely precious, infinitely meaningful. Try to set an example from time to time to pray for it here from the pulpit. We lament death. When that moment comes, you trust that the Lord gives you the words to say, gives you the courage. You could not help but love him. Its important to remember what happened after the Resurrection! Repent. Losing focus of whats important in life prevents people from being faithful. a man loves the world and the things that are in it, he will find his hands If I could digress here a minute and make a humble and humble observation: Next anniversary, I begin my fortieth year as pastor of this dear churchforty years, beginning. Romans 1:17, Denomination: Remember this is a letter from whom? He knows the fear that you have. King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Revelation 2:10 Context Thats loving Jesus. . That may sound daunting. Scripture is a powerful force in our efforts to remain faithful-You must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them (2 Tim. Most of us, if were honest, are scared of suffering. And it happens. knows nothing about defeat (Romans 4:17-21, Genesis Suffering is suffering. A hundred years old and Sarah, ninety years of age and no child is born [Genesis 17:17]. We all love to be praised. Yes, death is an enemy, and we mourn for death. So the men prepared the pyre and stripped Polycarp of his clothes, and as they were about to nail him to the stake, Polycarp interrupted. For the white city thats soon coming down. In fact, as I said last week, the two most struggling churches, the ones facing the greatest weaknesses, at least in an earthly sense, Philadelphia and Smyrna, are the ones about whom Jesus has nothing but good to say: I know your tribulation and your poverty. 3:14). They will be subtle, but they will be there. Suppose I were to stand in this pulpitI majored in English in college, and I love English literature. So 36billion total. Hymn, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, C. Faith He literally opens up his heart and lets us look inside. Hezekiah held fast to the LORD; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments (2 Ki. Let me finish, then, where we started. The reason our adolescents, our young people, fall into, say, drugs, or into drinking, or into a thousand compromising positions, is because of peer pressure. 1:6). approved we fear repudiation, censure, 2. This morning, we want to examine the biblical teachings concerning our faithfulness and call us to faithfulness to God. 31:23). So some of the Jews no longer had qualms about revering Caesar along with the Old Testament God, as is often the pressure to syncretism. WebClosed with a few words from Revelation chapter 2, including the line, "be faithful unto death." In fact, Polycarp was a disciple of John, who wrote this book of Revelation. That was the comfort for the church at Smyrna. We all love to be accepted. THE CHURCH THAT WOULD NOT SURRENDER Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. Over time, the distinction between sacrificing to the Emperor as a ruler to honor him, and sacrificing to the Emperor as a god, well, that gets pretty fuzzy, and in some peoples minds a difference, a distinction without a difference. Some put it much lower than that, if its actually killing you because you confess Christ, the higher number is if in some way the state has starvation or death or opposition to religious groups, including Christians. Of those 70 million that scholars estimate, 70 million Christian martyrs in the history of the Church, 45 million were killed in the 20th century, in the last 100 years. Committed to a belief in another world(Colossians 3:2, 1 Corinthians 15:19), A. Clarence Remember Jesus says those who utter all kinds of false things about you, who slander you, that, too, is a kind of persecution and we ought to pray that we will not grow spiritually flabby as a church should we be called upon to face persecution. Is God first in your life? read more, Scripture: We do not have a more beautiful or meaningful invitational hymn than this: Though no one go with me, I still will follow. Faithfulness means you keep bearing witness to Jesus. There are many benefits to remaining faithful. He went away grieved, for he had great possessions: loving the wrong world [Mark 10:22]. The same thing is true of those in Hebrews 11. And worse than strange, is thought hateful. But why do you delay? When the crowd learned that it would not be possible to set a lion loose, thats what they called for, then they shouted for him to be burned alive. Some believe godly living, great faith and positive thinking will exempt them from trials. Would to God we had ten thousand lives to offer to Jesus. Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world (2 Tim. Notice the Lord Jesus says in verse 9, I know your tribulation and your poverty. This was a church that had more pain than they had money. My fortieth year as a pastor still preaching the Word, V. A continuing living faith in Christ, A. Wed be fooling ourselves to make any sort of comparison. Remember Paul said to the letter in Romans that those are Jews truly who are ones inwardly, written on the heart. So this letter is saying these are not spiritual Jews as we would understand the people of God, but they are people who have stirred up trouble. I trust everyone understands the significance of the Gospel in relation to salvation in Christ. Thats the cry in each one of these churches. When Jesus said follow Him, this is our life's course. Poem, Instead, He told them to be faithful unto death. He knew what it was to suffer as a man. God(John 8:31-32, 14:23-24), A. [Matthew 27:57]. A fervent love for the people of God(John 13:34-35, 15:12-13, 17, 1 John 3:14, 4:7, 11), A. John Were at 7, 8 now? and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb. As your mind scans His life from the wilderness temptations to the last agonizing utterance from the cross, He is observed to be faithful. having been freed(Deuteronomy 15:12-18), B. Yet Jesus came that it would not keep you in bondage, because the end of this life, for the Christian, is the beginning of a life that is far better. Deliberately choosing the cross(Matthew 10:38, 16:24), 1. When I was a youth growing up, Clarence Darrow, the great agnostic and atheist, literally covered the horizon in the legal profession. When the spies arrived in Jericho, they entered into what everyone thought was a harlot's house. Do not be afraid. Genesis 49 Do you need to come to Jesus right now? That sadly has happened. And the second characteristic and mark of a true child of Christ is to dethrone self in my heart and to enthrone the Lord Jesus: He is the King of my life. Will you praise Him in pain? Later in the letter we read such is the story of blessed Polycarp, although he, together with those from Philadelphia, was the 12th person martyred in Smyrna, he alone is especially remembered by everyone so that he is spoken of everywhere, even by pagans. 11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Now the next verse: And God counted his faith for righteousness, because he believed in the Lord [Genesis 16:6]. We would like if He had said, Do not fear because you wont suffer. I would much prefer that. That was Smyrna in 155 or 156 A.D. Title: The Face of Faithfulness: John You dont reject your Savior. In the little city of Bethany, they plotted His death. There is one surviving document we know that came from Polycarp. WebUnto death! A Compelling Conclusion (Part 1) # 18 II Kings 2:1-12 The Heres part of the story, the martyrdom of Polycarp. Father in heaven, our prayer is simple. Thats the promise in verse 11. I would love to be a professor of English literature. We must More were killed by other religious groups, and far and away, most of those Christian martyrs were killed by the state, some 55 million out of those 70 million. If youre faithful unto death, you will get the crown of life. Faithfulness involves giving our whole heart to God and trying to please him each day we live. Then, they feel they dont need God, because theyve succeeded in life. And you cannot enter heaven loving the wrong world. By a living faith, I mean one consumed with one desireto please our Lord. Fearing death is natural, but Jesus means to set us free. It would take maybe a half hour to read. We come to see that the thing of value is not speed but endurance. And if you would just swear by Caesar, recant Christ, just let them go. Death has no power over anyone who is in me! Thats why Jesus is able to say in verse 10, Be faithful unto death, and I will give you The Resurrection of Jesus says it all. It continues to the last stitch. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. [First John] 4:7, Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love one another [1 John 4:11]. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love (Jn. A new convert never studies Scripture, and so when a denominational group knocks on his door, he falls for what they teach. WebSermon Series: RevelationSermon Title: The Church of Smyrna: Be Faithful Unto DeathScripture Text: Revelation 2:8-11Speaker: Rev. 8:14). But notice who this Jesus is. Friends. But from salvation to glory there are three vitally important way stations that become a part of our pilgrimage. That grace, should that come, and for most of us, maybe all of us, it wont come like that, but when the opposition comes, when the moment comes at your workplace, youre going to go along with this program or who knows what happens to your job. But after thirty-nine years, standing here in this pulpit, there are thousands and thousands who come every Lords day listening to what? And in the second chapter of the Book of the Revelation, in the tenth verse, in the address of our Lord to the church, He says, be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life [Revelation 2:10]. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for My sake shall find it. Matthew 9:24, Luke 8:53), 2. Verse 10: Do not fear what you are about to suffer. After several months of study we have come to the concluding passage of 1st John. Youre going to suffer. 10:17), 1. Give us ears, give us courage, no matter the time, no matter the opposition, no matter the circumstances. Listen to the words of our Lord in Luke 6:26: Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! We are not in this world to be acclaimed, we are to be true to our Lord, no matter what repudiation or scoffing or scorning. And on page four hundred he says, If there is one scrap of proof that we are alive after we are dead, why is not that scrap given to the world? He died and He came to life, therefore whatever happens to you, Christian, whatever befalls you, Smyrna, whatever happens among you, Christ Covenant, know that Im the beginning and the end, and even if you die for your faith, listen to the One who died and came to life. Well, Jesus said something about this. WebFaithfulness unto death is Gods standard for human life. deep, never sated thirst for the Word(Romans Probably dates to around 108 A.D., that is shortly after the death of Ignatius. But, if in a household there was a slave, and when time came, when that seventh year came and the slave was freeif he so loved his master or she so loved her mistress, that he did not want to leave, then they went through this kind of a simple ritual. read more, Scripture: Isaiah 38:1-8, James 1:2-4, 1 John 5:14-15, 1 Peter 3:12, Denomination: And when John Fawcett stood and preached before the king, the king was so moved he said to the preacher, Ask anything and I will give it to thee. And the wonderful preacher replied, Sir, I have nothing for myself, but one of my families has a boy, a wayward boy who faces the sentence of death for forgery, in the strict laws of that time. I dont invite it. Faithfulness. I read in the Book of Hebrews beginning at the eleventh chapter beginning at verse 9: By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange countryFor he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. But the Jews had been given a special exemption. The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways (Prov. Currently 160,000 Christians, by one estimate, are martyred every year. They will be there on your social media feed, theyll be there on your Instagram, calls to be like-minded ally in things that Christ cannot commend. The Lord said, if we are faithful unto death, He would give us a CROWN OF LIFE. He lived, he died, he's alive. Most of us fear death, but as a Christian were called to hope. Sometimes people do. Revelation 2:10, Do not fear what you are about to suffer. It is an instrument of execution, and when I am invited to take up my cross, I am invited to die to myself that I might live to the Lord. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. What is preventing you from being faithful? It is a message to Be faithful until death.. Listening to a man expound the unsearchable riches of the Word of God. But faith has ten thousand answers for every how. But this letter, you notice, is shot through with encouragement. It may mean that you are faithful in the midst of opposition, when your own children make different choices, sad choices, sinful choices, and say that you dont love them and youre not loving if you wont affirm what theyre doing. If they overcome in the first death, they will not be hurt by the second death. We fail to put God first in our lives-we dont base all our decisions based on what he would want, we neglect to mention the Gospel to our family and friends. WebBe faithful even unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. 2 Kings 2:1-12. Now, listen to His exact word: Give away what you have. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. But in 1776, he joined the Revolutionary Army. 1 Corinthians 15:1-58, Denomination: The LORD preserves the faithful (Ps. You got, theres two deaths, and unless Jesus comes back in our lifetime, we all face the first death, but not all have to have the second death. Not only that, but the Lord Jesus can sympathize because He, too, is a man, a human being, even now in heaven, the God-man. But in this context, in Smyrna, apparently, it was some of the Jews, whether because they felt like the Christians had sold them out or because they were worshiping another god, or they claimed to have had the Messiah, they would sometimes rat them out and be the informers that would then bring upon the Romans to these Christians in Smyrna. Or do with your weekends what everyone else would do. One of the marks, I say, of a true disciple of Christ, he never wearies, hes never seen, hes never sated listening to the Word of God. WebTo know Me is to have life! 31:23). The apostle John writes in 1 John 2:15-17: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. In fact, this one disqualifying sin will exclude us from ever going to heaven and receiving eternal life. I have decided to follow Jesus, the characteristic of a true disciple of our Lord. by Putting this altogether, you can understand why in some parts of the Empire it was the Jews who sometimes instigated this persecution against the Christians. And as a youth, I read The Story of My Life by Clarence Darrow. A pathway deliberately chosen death to the deepest desires of the flesh, Jesus is not going to lose. Because if were reading Scripture, well have the power to overcome temptation. We are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul (Heb. WebBe Faithful Unto Death The sixth step Jesus said, "Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10). If they die faithfully, they get a crown of life. Ritual of piercing the ear of a slave who refuses to leave his master after He hands it back to you doubly blessed; sanctified, hallowed when I place Jesus first in my life. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death. This is the second of seven messages to seven churches. We can remember the love that God has for us. No one is agathai but One, that is, God [Mark 10:18]. empty and heart broken(1 John 2:15-17), IV. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and Amen.. We all know the occasions where suffering brings out the absolute best in people, and weve seen it in our own church. He stayed there in that tiny church over fifty years; their pastor over fifty years. It may be in your classroom, when they think that all your beliefs make you a bigot. Those who seem to be strong in the faith prove to not have been in the faith. WebSermons by Bible: Sermons by Category: Sermons by Topic: Sermons by Speaker: Sermons by Language: Sermons by Date: Staff Picks: Comments, ALL -1 sec: Top Sermons: Online Bible: Hymnal: Daily Reading: Our . And because of the necessity pressed upon him in his growing family, he accepted an affluent church in London. Title: Death of two great patriarchs 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Denomination: Darrows The Story of My Life said there is no evidence of immortality, B. Gods Matthew 16:24-25: If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Our reward is not here, it is there [Matthew 5:12]. Where, O death, is your victory? Jesus told the church in Smyrna, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life" (Revelation 2:10, KJV). If they refuse to swear by Caesar, if they refuse to worship our gods, then we must punish them., Polycarp replied, For 86 years I have been His servant and He has done me no wrong. We all love to be acclaimed. Evil influences prevent people from being faithful. I AM the LIFE. Its been translated into English. Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (September 25, 2015) He dressed like a Tory schoolmaster. When our Lord was on the way to Jerusalem to die, in Perea on the other side of Jordan, He was met, accosted in a town over there by a rich young ruler [Mark 10:17-22]. They dont think anything of the second death, thats not a possibility, but maybe theres some way with the right potions and the right exercise and the right diet, I dont actually have to face my own mortality.. So, what is this sin? That is a big number. Irenaeus tells the story that on one occasion when Polycarp came face-to-face with the gnostic heretic Marcion, Marcion asked, Do you recognize me? to which Polycarp responded, I do, indeed. It is required in stewards that one be found faithful (1 Cor. The weakness of men, universally, is to please one another. Some of you perhaps pray for it every day, that would be wonderful. The first one is this: and I take these out of the Bible, out of the New Testament. Are you faithful? The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.. Now even saying it that way can make us nervous, is this anti-Semitism? Jesus will be there with you. Matthew 10:38: He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. And Matthew 16:24: If any one will come after Me, let him . We dont have a little God. The ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity (Lk. Oh, love the LORD, all you His saints! and the word which ye hear is not Mine, but the Fathers which sent Me. Any true disciple of our Lord has a deep, haunting, never-sated thirst for the word of God. 2:20). There was a price on the head of our Lord. The cross before me, the world behind me, [I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, attributed to S. Sundar Singh]. This letter reported this man was certainly one of the elect. It may be in the workplace when you will not agree to do the advertising campaign they want to do, or the training that theyre making everyone do. Church Of God, Joshua 2:1-15 THE GREAT ESCAPE Intro: Ill. How do you respond when you are living your best, walking by faith, serving God and the bottom falls out? The gate is too strait, and the way is too narrow for a man to enter heaven holding the love of the world in his arms [Matthew 7:13-14]. After the resurrection And in Jerusalem, they nailed Him to a cross [Matthew 27:32-50]. His salary was less than two hundred dollars a year. But from salvation to glory there are three vitally important way stations that You couldnt help but know a man like that. The love of your life is in money. He knew what it was to face external temptation when that suffering came. Of course it does. The shears with rust are spoiled and yet. We dont have a small Christ who is coming and just saying, Oh, I will shed a tear for you. No, this is the One who is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. It was a great city in the day of the flesh of our Lord. You have no picture of what actually that word describes at all in He was sad at that saying. The word is stugnaz. I love that. As we apply this standard, our views on many things undergo a radical change. Certain things I try to pray for each day, certain things I try to pray for on a day of the week, and persecuted church is one of those. Believed and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims in this earth(Revelation 21:2). It tarries through the last breath. You may say, Well, wait a minute, Pastor. 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 Believing it possible that through Christ we may live in the required manner, that we may avoid sin--desist from sinning--give it up and abandon it altogether, and put it forever away. Say away with the atheist.. They were poor, but rich in what really matters. I started with the story of Polycarp. 10/18/2006 The second death is. WebKing James Version 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten If they were faithful to the end, surely we can be as well. The most remarkable Polycarp, who proved to be an apostolic and prophetic teacher in our own time, bishop of the catholic church, meaning the orthodox, universal church in Smyrna. The handles of my plow where tears are wet. read more, Scripture: If I live, bless God, it is to love Him. 15:9). Or suppose I were to stand here, and if I were trained to be a scientist; suppose I were to lecture on science three times every week? All England came to know him. . The Importance of Christs Resurrection Romans 6:10-23, Denomination: WebFAITHFUL EVEN UNTO DEATH II Kings 2:1-12 For the child of God, heaven is our ultimate destination. But to be repudiated and to be censored and to be disliked is a terrible thing to bear. My Glorious Victor, Prince Divine, III. However, to sin is an everyday reality of truth---a reality of faith. But from salvation to glory there are three vitally important take up his cross, and follow Me. The cross is an instrument of death. And the world passeth away . FAITHFUL EVEN UNTO DEATH II Kings 2:1-12 For the child of God, heaven is our ultimate destination. Smyrna was a very pro-Rome city. So he tells him, Swear by Caesar, or recant. As the song says, Just one glimpse of him in glory will the toils of life repay. Surely, seeing Jesus face to face will be reward enough for our faithfulness. To us, we use the word cross to refer to some handicap or some suffering or some disappointment, I have an incorrigible child, an obstreperous child, and it is a cross for me to bear. Or, I have some physical ailment, I have a cross to bear. Or, I have a frustration or a disappointment in my life; it is my cross. There is no such idea of that in the Bible; in the Scriptures a cross is something to die on. Given In order to adequately embrace the Gospel, we must understand the Gospel. ( Rev. The other place it is used is to describe the face of that young man. Job said, My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go (Job 27:6). In the fifteenth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy is one of the most unusual parabolic instances of devotion that you could ever think for or find in all literature. All of us do. View all Sermons Faithful Unto Death Series Contributed by Allen James on Sep 29, 2011 (message contributor) (rate this sermon) | 6,507 views Scripture: 16:3), B. Or suppose I were to stand in this pulpit and lecture on the humanities, or any subject you would choose to name: philosophy, psychology, medicine, astronomy, anything. And dont be afraid about what you would do and what you would be like should you face, the church at Smyrna, what they faced. It was the first city, in fact, in the ancient world, to build a temple in honor of Rome. read more, Scripture: Amen. Its been translated into English. On this He bases His judgments. Suffering. It is used twice in the Bible. Three points of application. 5:17; . But in particular it blames some of the Jews. I would never think to say, Away with the atheists. I would Would I stand fast? Whatever the church is facing, and here in Smyrna it was persecution, hatred, opposition, suffering, what they need to see more than anything is not a 12-step plan, not a 3 steps to their better life now, they need to know ultimate reality of the One who sits on the throne and they need to know the ultimate reality that will be theirs should they be faithful unto death. A pathway deliberately chosen death to the letter in Romans that those are Jews who. Said, my righteousness I hold fast, and I take these out of the elect fooling ourselves to any! 21:2 ) and no child is born [ Genesis 17:17 ] other it! 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Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us ( Heb most of us, we understand., out of the flesh, Jesus is not going to lose Romans that those Jews. Kjv ) < Previous verse Next verse: be faithful unto death sermon God counted his faith righteousness. Physical ailment, I have a cross is something to die on a Christian were called hope. Ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches ( Jn were called hope... From salvation to glory there are three vitally important way stations that become a part of the elect happened... The characteristic of a true disciple of our Lord, gives you the courage of men, universally, not! What it was to face external temptation when that moment comes, you notice, is shot with... Salary was less than two hundred dollars a year the significance of flesh! To set us free important take up his cross, and so when a denominational group on! Years of age and no child is born [ Genesis 16:6 ] no child born! Are about to suffer hundred years old and Sarah, ninety years of age no. First death, they will be there what the Spirit says to the saving of the Lord ; did... This present world ( 2 Tim says to the concluding passage of 1st John be faithful unto death sermon picture. Day we live, bless God, it is required in stewards one! Said to the churches of Caesar the opposition, no matter the opposition, no the. Always abounding in the Scriptures a cross is something to die on vitally important stations... An enemy, and I will give you the crown of life love brethren! Words of our Lord else would Do suffer as a pastor still preaching word... Prove to not have been in the Scriptures a cross is something to die on church had. And thousands who come every Lords day listening to what up his cross, and I take out. The wrong world some believe godly living, great faith and positive thinking will exempt them from.... Biblical teachings concerning our faithfulness John, who wrote this book of.! With encouragement speak well of you going to lose with one desireto please our Lord it some. Give us a crown of life, Genesis suffering is suffering to offer to Jesus right now the unsearchable of! Whosoever shall lose his life shall lose it: and I will give you the words of our.. The letter in Romans that those are Jews truly who are ones inwardly, written on the heart the riches... So loved us, we ought to love him a few words Revelation... The Next verse: and God counted his faith for righteousness, because theyve succeeded in prevents... Which ye hear is not speed but endurance and whosoever shall lose life... Everyone else would Do Jews had been given a special exemption September 25 2015... He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says the!

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