In 2019, Congress amended the TVPA to acknowledge that governments can also act as traffickers, referring specifically to a government policy or pattern of human trafficking, human trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers. Embassy: Million$ spent to combat human trafficking in region in 2022. To continue responding in the long termwhether amid the COVID-19 pandemic or other future crisesstakeholders should consider proactive planning for adaptation and flexibility to future crises through extensive risk mitigation and management tools. Takiyah Golden Jane Nady Sigmon Additionally, a critical element of ending the conflict in Yemen is our counterterrorism campaign and efforts to counter Iranian arms smuggling to the Houthis. This support would be intended to provide carefully calibrated capacity-building for units not directly engaged in the current conflict. The Department of State further assesses that the most durable solution to the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers will be a negotiated political settlement that ends Libyas current conflict. These measures will go a long way to preventing labor abuse and exploitation, especially forced labor. This approach considers the vulnerabilities and experiences of trauma survivors and places priority on restoring a survivors feelings of safety, choice, and control. Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) The chart below shows the Ratification, Accession (a), or Acceptance (A) of relevant international conventions for those countries that have ratified, acceded to, or accepted any such conventions between April 2020 and March 2021. She has diligently worked with community members, law enforcement and government officials, and other NGOs to ensure the country is proactively identifying victims and referring them to care. I knew I was playing with fire. There is a connection and a disparity from police profiling, arrest, incarceration rates, sentencing, and recidivism. Traffickers Quickly Adapt and Exploit COVID-19-related Risks. This is accomplished by providing age-appropriate furniture and decorations, painting the walls in calming colors, and displaying childrens artwork or murals. IOM conducted rapid assessments in various countries to address the multiple effects of the pandemic on populations vulnerable to trafficking, such as the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on labor migration in the Pacific Region. Whether the parent or guardian is the trafficker or sells the child who is then placed in the care of another trafficker, the trafficker is both that childs exploiter and caregiver. The UN TIP Protocol, which is widely ratified, mandates the criminalization of money laundering when proceeds are derived from humantrafficking and encourages signatories to promote international cooperation between their respective national authorities addressing money laundering. United Kingdom Burma Aggregate data fluctuates from one year to the next due to the hidden nature of trafficking crimes, dynamic global events, shifts in government efforts, and a lack of uniformity in national reporting structures. Bulgaria Most importantly, age- and culturally appropriate comprehensive programs need to be developed with consideration of each unique survivor in mind. b. participation in international sex tourism by nationals of the country. It is undeniably essential for governments to execute effective, coordinated public health responses to prevent further loss of life and economic damage as a result of the pandemic. Page 57: Getty/Tuul & Bruno Morandi The traumatic impacts are severe because children have little psychological recourse for protecting themselves from the trafficker, who may also wield significant power by nature of the familial relationship alone. The TVPA also provides that any country that has been ranked Tier 2 Watch List for two consecutive years and that would otherwise be ranked Tier 2 Watch List for the next year will instead be ranked Tier 3 in that third year. The Staff of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons Is: Hadiyyah A. Abdul-Jalaal Speaking at the UNC's Sunday media conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader . Bianca Washington Page 49: Matilde Simas Kendra L. Kreider Some of us were there to pay off the debts owed to the bar owner. In addition to addressing immediate needs by providing food, water, and sanitary facilities, a child-friendly space should address longer-term needs through the provision of medical screening and services, psychosocial counseling, referrals, and information about legal proceedings. 106-386, 108, as amended. Qatar remains a difficult place for many migrant workers, and forced labor remains a serious concern in the country. Whether the government of the country vigorously investigates, prosecutes, convicts, and sentences public officials, including diplomats and soldiers, who participate in or facilitate severe forms of trafficking in persons, including nationals of the country who are deployed abroad as part of a diplomatic, peacekeeping, or other similar mission who engage in or facilitate severe forms of trafficking in persons or exploit victims of such trafficking, and takes all appropriate measures against officials who condone or enable such trafficking. She also learned she would not have the rent-free apartment he promised. The author has a range of expertise related to human trafficking, marginalized communities, trauma recovery, education, mental health care, and survivor leadership. The need to incorporate anti-trafficking efforts into existing responses in other contexts, such as in humanitarian settings. In his response Dr Rowley said TT continued to actively work with the US to improve the rating, but one of the bigger issues affecting the rating was the lack of convictions under human-trafficking laws. The Department of State assesses that immense social and economic insecurity caused by the current conflict is the primary driver for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Libya. Cuba This sustained assistance to the ANDSF through IMET plays an important role in preserving Afghanistans security, political, and economic gains, including by enhancing awareness of and respect for human rights across the ANDSF. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive in part the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to DRC to allow for the provision of IMET and PKO assistance and has certified that the Government of the DRC is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Nepal The TVPA, as amended, lists additional factors to determine whether a country should be on Tier 2 (or Tier 2 Watch List) versus Tier 3: In addition, the TVPA directs the Secretary of State to consider, as proof of a countrys failure to make significant efforts to fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards, a government policy or pattern of: trafficking; trafficking in government-funded programs; forced labor (in government-affiliated medical services, agriculture, forestry, mining, construction, or other sectors); sexual slavery in government camps, compounds, or outposts; or employing or recruiting child soldiers. MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday admitted that he was upset upon learning that many government officials were involved in the illegal drug trade.. Confronted, however, with eyewitness testimony and thoroughly researched reporting from multiple sources, the PRC eventually admitted the existence of the camps. Laila Mickelwait. Gambia, The We should also consider the lessons learned over the course of this global health crisis. Veronica Jablonski Page 61: Picture Alliance Table of Contents: Picture Alliance Of further concern, experts have identified the strategic production and dissemination of false narratives about sex trafficking by white supremacists and other extremists, including violent extremists, in the United States as a means of recruiting new members. NATO Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Action Plan to be adopted by October 2020. Italy More concerning, this spread of misinformation has real and detrimental impacts on the ability of the anti-trafficking community to protect those who have or are currently experiencing human trafficking and to bring traffickers to justice. For example, organizations will prioritize hiring a survivor as a staff member or consultant and then equate that action with becoming a fully trauma-informed entity, while failing to use a trauma-informed approach to care, which often retraumatizes individuals receiving services. After reasonable requests from the Department of State for data regarding such investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences, a government which does not provide such data, consistent with a demonstrably increasing capacity of such government to obtain such data, shall be presumed not to have vigorously investigated, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced such acts. Every country, including the United States, can do more. Traffickers also exploit financial sector innovations, such as prepaid cards and mobile payment applications, to accept payments or move funds through the financial system. The FATF Recommendations provide a useful framework for jurisdictions to address illicit finance related to human trafficking by strengthening their national AML laws and policies and by improving coordination and information sharing domestically and internationally. Likewise, law enforcement should address biases to improve identification and protection efforts for victims from marginalized communities while preventing re-traumatization. The 2007 TIP Report showed for the first time a breakout of the number of total prosecutions and convictions that related to labor trafficking, placed in parentheses. 333 and has certified that the government of Yemen is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. [Scroll bar is available at the bottom of the table. While facing pre- and post-election crises and an ongoing strain on resources, Bemaka-Soui has steadfastly made sure the interagency committee remains consistently engaged on the issue, and she has played a pivotal role in marshalling assistance from key partners and developing key training and outreach programs. Page 44: Elisabetta Zavoli The 2022 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report covered government efforts undertaken during the reporting period from April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022, the spokesman said. The value of collaboration between anti-trafficking actors. The project is expected to go on for 24 months. U.S. diplomatic posts and domestic agencies reported on the human trafficking situation and governmental action to fight trafficking based on thorough research that included meetings with a wide variety of government officials, local and international NGO representatives, officials of international organizations, journalists, academics, and survivors. With so many disappeared into and abused within this system, entire communities in Xinjiangcommunities with rich histories and immeasurable cultural significancehave become ghost towns. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Iraq and has certified that the Government of Iraq (GOI) is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Turkmenistan Between April 2020 and March 2021, Comoros and Nepal became States Parties to the Protocol. Indeed, in many places the diversion of law enforcement attention from human trafficking toward enforcing pandemic-related measures has resulted in other community actors carrying out identification efforts, often in ways that are more culturally responsive and less likely to re-traumatize victims. Justifications for Waivers and Exceptions. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Human Trafficking in the Context of a Global Pandemic, Changing Human Trafficking Trends Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Impacts of COVID-19 on the Anti-Trafficking Community, Adaptations to Anti-Trafficking Efforts in Response to COVID-19, Considerations for the Anti-Trafficking Fields Response to COVID-19 and Beyond, Navigating the Unique Complexities in Familial Trafficking, Unifying Trauma-Informed Practices and Voices of Survivor Leadership, The Negative Impacts of Human Trafficking Misinformation, The Role of the Financial Sector: Promising Practices in the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons, Acknowledging Historical and Ongoing Harm: The Connections between Systemic Racism and Human Trafficking, Child-Friendly Spaces for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Letter on LGBTQI+ Vulnerability to Human Trafficking, When the Government is the Trafficker: State-Sponsored Trafficking in Persons, Funding Restrictions for Tier 3 Countries, TVPA Minimum Standards for the Elimination of Trafficking in Persons, Josiane Lina Bemaka-Soui |Central African Republic, Chantal Sagbo Sasse ep. Peacekeeping Operations $12,692,025 Access to information and translation services for trafficking victims was also a challenge, as victim support networks reduced services to a minimum. Estonia launched a nationwide e-learning initiative in schools, led by law enforcement organizations and anti-trafficking experts, to combat and raise awareness of the rise of online sex trafficking and child exploitation during the pandemic. Whether the government of the country vigorously investigates and prosecutes acts of severe forms of trafficking in persons, and convicts and sentences persons responsible for such acts, that take place wholly or partly within the territory of the country, including, as appropriate, requiring incarceration of individuals convicted of such acts. Guatemala In the face of this crisis and future crises, it is the responsibility of the international community to work together toward the shared goal of preventing and combating human trafficking, protecting victims, and empowering survivors. President Felix Tshisekedi has demonstrated that he is a willing partner committed to addressing instability and conflict in DRC, but needs U.S. security assistance to succeed in defeating armed groups threatening local populations, including the ISIS-affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). Removing the ability to profit from the crime disincentivizes traffickers and serves as a crucial deterrent to prevent the crime altogether. Staff and relevant stakeholders should be able to observe the child from a separate room, where appropriate. While U.S. efforts to combat human trafficking have grown in magnitude and sophistication over the years, the United States still struggles with how to address the disparate effects of human trafficking on racial minority communities. Reports of human rights violations attributable to state security forces is on a downward trend. Rwanda Consistent with the TVPA, the President may also determine to instruct the U.S. Executive Director of each multilateral development bank and the International Monetary Fund to vote against and use their best efforts to deny any loans or other uses of the institutions funds to a designated Tier 3 country for most purposes (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance). The US Department of State released the report on July 19, 2022, at the behest of its Bureau for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. In fiscal year 2020, ICE arrested 1,746 individuals in connection with human trafficking and identified and assisted more than 400 victims. Masks and other personal protective equipment, as well as virtual engagements, reduce the ability to read facial and non-verbal cues and body language, which can be a survival mechanism for survivors. Iraq The Government of Nigeria should continue to make progress in combating the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. This email address provides a means by which organizations and individuals can share information with the Department of State throughout the year on government progress in addressing human trafficking. The assertion came days after government and opposition politicians pointed fingers at each other over a 2022 Tra. The U.S. Department of State leads the U.S. governments global engagement to combat human trafficking and chairs the federal interagency anti-trafficking task force. Switzerland President Tshisekedi has stated that he believes that improved security will enable health workers to counter COVID and other global health threats stem illicit mineral smuggling, other illicit trafficking of natural resources and transnational criminal organizations, catalyze regional economic integration, and provide a much-needed boost to DRCs development. During the three months of Spains lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, under Moras leadership, APRAMP quickly redirected its efforts toward the detection of new spaces where commercial sex was happening. Kyrgyz Republic The request describes the annual reporting requirements for human trafficking and child soldiering for the report, which includes a detailed questionnaire where host governments can provide input. The report also noted that authorities did not pursue a prosecution if the victims were not willing to testify against an alleged trafficker, and a backlog in the courts, despite system reforms in 2019, leads to cases taking, on average, five-ten years to be resolved. Another manifestation of human trafficking occurs when a governmental armed group (including police or other security forces), paramilitary organization, rebel group, or other non-state armed group unlawfully recruits or uses childrenthrough force, fraud, or coercionas combatants or in support roles. Page 66: Emily Teague Despite this, the successes, the failures, and even the unknown results of the anti-trafficking response to COVID-19 allowed for new insights and solutions to pave a better path forward. Governments should protect and serve their citizensnot terrorize and subjugate them for profit. Standing in solidarity with Black lives also means speaking up for the injustices plaguing Black communities that are overwhelmed with trafficking victims. Perpetua Anaele Iceland That all changed when, after a few months, Joriz took a nude photo of Benilda and then forced her to pose naked in front of a webcam. Niger Likewise, in a sex trafficking case, an adult victims initial willingness to engage in commercial sex acts is not relevant where a perpetrator subsequently uses coercion to exploit the victim and cause them to continue engaging in the same acts. A secure DRC is essential to attracting the foreign investment and business necessary to leverage the countrys estimated $24 trillion in mineral wealth and improve the welfare and livelihood of millions of Congolese people. In March 2013, Cabrera accepted the position of specialized prosecutor for human trafficking at the State of Mexico Attorney Generals Office. Countries in Violation of the Standards Under the CSPA in 2020. 1107, 6 December (2013). The majority of the allegations were in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan. Andrea Balint Netherlands This placement is based not on the size of a countrys problem but on the extent of government efforts to meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking (see page 56-58), which are generally consistent with the Palermo Protocol. Since joining the Attorney Generals Office, her team has obtained 73 human trafficking convictions, issued 152 indictments for human trafficking, and initiated 941 human trafficking investigations. Sister Imelda Pooles leadership in the fight against human trafficking extends far beyond her own work to inspire others. Spain Members of prosecution teams were obliged to think creatively to meet the victims needs while considering their own health and safety. Chile Germany Francesca J. Tadle Kuwait Vanuatu 9. Outlined below is a description of what it means to be both trauma- and survivor-informed, as well as recommendations on integrating both approaches as one, comprehensive effort. In recent years, participants in online forums have spread a number of false and misleading claims about child sex trafficking, sometimes deliberately deceiving the public through disinformation efforts connected to conspiracy theories unrelated to human trafficking. Nigeria may receive EDA for maritime security improvements in the form of former U.S. Coast Guard vessels, which have been used to improve maritime navigation and counter-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Guinea and Niger Delta. PRC officials then defended the facilities as necessary measures to counter terrorism, while also claiming that many of them had already been closed. Chantal Sagbo Sasse has been at the forefront of Gabons anti-trafficking movement for more than two decades. The PRC governments Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Bingtuan), an economic and paramilitary organization with administrative control over several areas in the region comprising nearly three million personnel, forces members of prison populations and local communities alike to work in hazardous mining, construction, manufacturing, food processing, andfor many thousands of Uyghur adults and childrencotton harvesting. They also may not have the physical and mental development to identify coercive tactics being used by an individual they have bonded with, trust, and love. Survivor-led and Survivor-informed Solutions. Whitney Stewart Mei instead spent more than a year in Chinese detention facilities where the authorities subjected her to political indoctrination and forced her to work in a factory making gloves for US $0.02 a pair. The U.S. government will continue to engage with the Libyan government to urge militias to cease the unlawful recruitment of children and to make proper referrals for such children. Because a child in this situation is often trained not to report what is happening, interactions with adults who might otherwise notice a problem or identify the child as vulnerable, such as teachers, neighbors, doctors, and other adults in the community, instead see the child as shy or failing to thrive. Anti-trafficking actors from all sectors should develop concrete risk mitigation and management plans to effectively respond to a variety of crises, including natural disasters, conflict scenarios, health crises, or a combination of emergencies that could exacerbate vulnerabilities to trafficking and the experiences of victims. Applicable assistance restrictions apply for the next Fiscal Year, which begins October 1, 2021. Iran Communicate updates on the progression of these changes. Instead of an internship, the school required the Chilean students to work 40 hours per week in a meat processing plant to pay off a debt for the academic programthat they had been told would be tuition-freeand pay for food and housing out of their wages. They were routinely moved around and often unsure of where they were located. For example, experts have developed techniques to link some cryptocurrency transaction records to online commercial sex advertisements, which can provide additional information on human trafficking networks. The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) facilitated the care and protection of trafficking victims through two entities: the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres), which served adult female trafficking victims, and the National Institute for Children and Adolescents (INAU), which served child trafficking victims. The integration of survivor leadership and trauma-informed practices requires inclusive interactions with survivors of all forms of human trafficking with a diversity of perspectives, such as gender, national origin, race, and sexuality. Gregory Borgstede #RealNumbersPH data (Courtesy of PDEA). Bosnia and Herzegovina No tier ranking is permanent. Individuals in underserved communities faced barriers to accessing healthcare, while foreigners were stigmatized as carriers and spreaders of the virus, placing them at higher risk for exploitation and violence. Leo Page-Blau Authorities use threats of physical violence, forcible drug intake, physical and sexual abuse, and torture to force detainees to work in adjacent or off-site factories or worksites producing garments, footwear, carpets, yarn, food products, holiday decorations, building materials, extractives, materials for solar power equipment and other renewable energy components, consumer electronics, bedding, hair products, cleaning supplies, personal protective equipment, face masks, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other goodsand these goods are finding their way into businesses and homes around the world. She has gone out of her way to meet with individuals in facilities for internally displaced persons, who may have been exploited, and made sure they were aware of their rights under the countrys laws. Mohammed al-Obaidly is one of the most important Qatari figures advocating for labor and human trafficking reforms in Qatar. This principle aims to protect victims from being held legally responsible for conduct that was not their choice, but rather was driven by their trafficker. Systemic discrimination creates inequities between communities, whether the discrimination targets perceptions of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, or any other social identities. The use of these innovations leaves digital footprints, which may be detected as these transactions pass through the financial system. Cabo Verde At first, it may not be apparent that acting on this information could have any harmful consequences. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, governments faced the predicament of shifting priorities to focus on growing health and economic concerns, which drew attention and resources away from anti-trafficking efforts. While human trafficking actors and organizations typically generate illicit proceeds in cash or through the traditional financial system, they sometimes use cryptocurrency. As required by law, this section summarizes actions taken by the UN, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the OSCE to prevent trafficking in persons or the exploitation of victims of trafficking. Iraqi law requires all soldiers, including volunteers in Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) militias, to be of 18 years of age or older, and Iraq is a party to the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (OPAC). However, familial trafficking, which is unique and just beginning to be understood in the field, is difficult to identify because it takes place within family networks and victimizes children, many of whom are under 12 years of age, who may not realize they are victims. Getoria Berry The 2003 reauthorization of the TVPA added to the original law a new requirement that foreign governments provide the Department of State with data on trafficking investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences in order to fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking (Tier 1). TT, along with countries in regions around the globe, gets a data-call request from the embassy every November. Because children are dependent on their families for their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, they are often faced with having basic needs unmet or physical violence if they dont comply with the trafficker. Megan Hjelle-Lantsman Canadian authorities provided disclosures to counterparts in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Jamaica, and Brazil, demonstrating the transnational nature of human trafficking and the importance of international cooperation to end it. Despite the projects and millions of dollars spent by the US to combat human trafficking in TT and in the region, the 2022 TIP report still noted TT had not made a single conviction under the 2011 human trafficking laws. Through her early work, Sagbo Sasse frequently interacted and established a deep connection with children who had survived human trafficking, many who were coming from Benin, her country of origin. In international sex tourism by nationals of the Standards Under the CSPA in 2020 this health! The embassy every November PDEA ) their own government officials involved in human trafficking 2021 and safety updates on progression. Course of this global health crisis a difficult place for many migrant workers, and recidivism in... Difficult place for many migrant workers, and South Sudan Generals Office humanitarian settings should... Of specialized prosecutor for human trafficking and identified and assisted more than 400 victims is one of the Standards the! 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